Chapter. 6

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Red wasn't the only problem that was glowing in the sector. The surveillance drones tiny light across the block was much bigger problem. Mira was inside the home standing in front of her window staring all those lights in the sky. She was worried about Lily, the comm tower was down there was no other possible way to contact jack in the farm.

One of the drone just passed in front of his window, it was hovering outside for last two hours. Mira wants to go to Saltstone but she can't take the chance o leave all the kids alone here. She has faced thing like that before but not like today. She was much worried as she has seen what happened to Gerry's wife this afternoon.

There was a possibility that Gideon might bring or send some medical team to investigate. But she was over expecting from someone like Gideon, who always try to avoid contact with colonists as much as possible. Mira sighs, but still she wants him to be here so that medic port can be operational again.

She closed the curtain and walked back to her room. She can still hear mumbling and chuckles of kids, they were awake. That was there second time they were seeing curfew here in sector. Last time it happened, Lily joined the family. She lay down on her bed, it was comfortable. The air conditioning was still working. She was expecting power shutdown any minute soon.

There was a knock on her door.

"who is that?" She asked.

The door knob slowly turned and door open slightly, there was a small shadow on the floor in the beam of light.

"Nora is that you honey?" asked Mira.

"Yes," Nora replied.

"Come inside."

Nora steps into the room she was holding her favorite teddy bear. Her big hazel eye were watery and the tip of the nose was strawberry pink.

"What happened sweetheart?" asked Mira.

"I am scared."

Mira gets up from her bed and carried nora in her arms. Mira can sense the fear inside her, Nora clutches her T-shirt tight and hide her face inside her chest.

"Why are you so scared?"

"It's all red," said Nora, "and Jimmy was saying that the monsters will come in the red lights."

"No it's not true," said Mira, "I am here for you, don't be scared there are no monsters outside."

"But why it's all red outside?"

"They were just low on power, like my phone the battery look red," Mira explained, " Have you seen it?"

"Aahan," Nora Nodded.

"That's why its all red outside."

So much for the phone Mira thought the only man that can fix the comm tower was out there looking for her wife. This sector was complete disconnected. She was wondering about Lily, because if this fever ends up like Gerry's wife then U.P.E will put her down.

Mira walked into the kid's room, Casey was still awake, and he was watch outside the window. He was eldest of them all, he turned towards Mira,

"What happen to Lily?" he asked.

Mira was surprised to hear that, they were inside and she didn't discussed anything what happened in Ella's place.

"Noting she is fine," she replied, "why were you asking?"

"I saw her fell on the ground," Casey said, "she was with us."

A shiver runs into the Mira, if this fever was contagious, god knows Casey might be the next victim of it.

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