Chapter Thirteen

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Dahlia allowed me to sleep for a time after Violet left, but the curtains that had hidden the mirror stayed open, and a slave was posted to watch me. The moment I stirred, the slave alerted my Trainer, and Dahlia returned.

She helped me out of bed and selected a satin robe to decorate me with, letting it hang open to show off my nudity. Then, she raised my hands to my collar and hooked my wrists to it, so that my fists were just snug beneath my chin. On the third and middle ring, she clipped a leash.

"Let's go for a walk," said Dahlia cheerfully.

I followed her, helpless, and began the first part of my leash training. It gave me a thrill up my spine and a funny belly for a moment, knowing I was about to be walked. The slave that was walked was Shown Off. I was a pet, a valued one, and pets learned their leash.

Dahlia took me from my room through the hall I had come from when I first arrived, but she took me down a different set of stairs and into a well lit room, busy with Trainers and slaves.

I saw seated Trainers with slaves learning how to be good furniture. Slaves crawling on all fours with their leashes, following their Trainers in various masks. Trainers sharing, disciplining, and enjoying the slaves in their care. All Trainers were flower-named, and of so many different genders. This room impressed me.

"Any time I bring you here, our spot is in that alcove, painted with the dahlia," my Trainer told me, pointing out the aforementioned place. "If you are lost, if someone who is using you is finished and you don't know where to go, make your way here. I will come for you."

I nodded. Dahlia walked me around the room proudly, and out a door through the back. We ended up in a huge corridor with high arched ceilings and plush carpets. Dahlia tugged on my leash twice.

"Two tugs for closer," Dahlia taught me, and obediently I moved closer. "There should be slack in your line if I tug twice."

She stopped suddenly, and I almost walked into her. "Careful," she said. "I didn't bring a switch with me, but next time I shall, and you will be harshly punished for forgetting your leash etiquette."

I nodded, looking down in supplication.

Dahlia continued walking, but let out a long length of leash, which allowed me to walk further behind her. I tried out this length, wondering about the freedom of it, and Dahlia made an approving sound. "This much slack means you may roam a bit. Perhaps your mistress is busy. Perhaps you're in a park, where you may play. Perhaps she is bored and wants to watch you wander. Whatever her whim, the long length of leash signifies you may have some space. Oft times without worry of punishment, unless your mistress says otherwise."

I imagined my mistress taking me to a park, showing me off, walking me proudly through avenues lined with azaleas like the gentry do. I wondered what she'd dress me in. What sort of delights we might find together.

Dahlia gave three tugs. "Three tugs means run to my side immediately."

I hurried to catch up, my robe flying, my breasts bouncing. Dahlia took a moment to settle my robe once I was close enough to her, and she held my breasts a moment, massaging them. "Good girl, running so fast to my side. Your poor breasts must hurt."

I gave her a soft look.

She tapped the end of my nose. "Heartbreaker," she said, chuckling. "I shall have a hard time letting go of you."

Indeed, she took an extra minute to fondle me, massaging my breasts and nipples, sliding a hand down to cradle my clit with soft fingertips. "You must always be available," she reminded me. She pulled her hand back and tasted my juices. "Delicious. Now. Come along, and let us finish our walk about."

The Auction house—or mansion, really—was so big that it was hard to keep track of all the corridors we walked through. No one touched me, no Trainer, no slave, no auctioneer. I wondered about this. Was it a law in my paperwork? I could only wonder.

We made our way back to my room, and before I knew it, we had returned. Dahlia released my wrists from my neck and allowed me to let blood rush back down my arms. "You did quite well," my Trainer praised. "On your next outing, I shall bring a switch and will test you severely."

I couldn't help but smile. I wanted it. I wanted more. I wanted training. I needed it.

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