Chapter Twenty

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I was enamored. She was so beautiful. I tried not to look back as we moved forward. I knew I had to leave Dahlia behind. It was so hard upon my heart to not look back.

I had to look ahead. I had to. My only choice in life was her, and my path to her was clear.

I had not been outside the Auction House since I had entered it. Stepping out and into the lovely spring light, flower petals floating in the air, the breeze fragrant with the first blossoms of the season...the moment felt surely spiritual. When I turned my gaze to my Mistress, she smiled comfortingly at me, and I answered that smile with a shy one of my own.

She coaxed me ahead by reaching out for my hand.

I took it, my heart thudding powerfully in my chest. I was leaving the Auction behind into the arms of the person who would care for me for the rest of my life, to whom I would do the same for the rest of hers.

Carriages were waiting. Four of them—the last one was loaded with what looked like luggage. Lined up by the middle two were the slaves my Mistress had bought me. The doors were open, and when I looked inside, each seat had been outfitted with long toys of various thickness and shape for each slave to sit on.

I saw Serena throw me a flirty smile, and I saw her eyes flicker toward the biggest, thickest length.

I looked at my slaves. I waited for my Mistress to give me direction.

"All of these women are yours, my little swan. Each one has a specialty, if you're curious to find out later when I am not around to keep you occupied." She waved her hand at them gently. "By law, any time they sit, they must sit upon a length. You may decide which upon which, whenever you please."

"Mistress, may I look inside the carriages?"

She released my leash, which I held carefully in my hand as a sign of respect. "You may."

I went to each, looking carefully at the toys and their sizes. I found one suitable for Serena first. The tallest, skinniest one, in the middle, squashed between two others. The worst spot in the group.

I paused. Did I need to be so cruel? If I did this, I could make a great enemy of her. I already knew she was a willing snitch. It would be worse upon me if I gave her such a spot.

I would make an enemy out of anyone sitting there.

I went back to my slaves. "There is one seat which is undoubtedly not a spot anyone would willingly want. The slave who chooses to sit here will be rewarded later."

My Mistress put her hand on my shoulder approvingly. "Very good, little swan."

Serena shot her hand up, along with two others. I chose Serena. I never told her how I would reward her, after all.

I put slaves in their places, and they readied and seated themselves with personal bottles of lubricant they now would carry around their necks. I turned back to my Mistress. I offered my leash to her, and she took it, looking pleased. "You are a fast learner, and you will learn even more at my direction. Your slaves will be with you until your death or their uselessness."

"Yes, Mistress, thank you."

She opened the door to our carriage, the first one, which was draped in royal purples and gold tassels. My Mistress stepped inside, and I followed upon the tugs at my leash.

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