Chapter Seventeen

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That night, as I lay curled in Dahlia's arms, I dreamed of my mistress. In the dream, I could only feel her. Everything was dark. I was in her arms instead, and she stroked my hair the way she had done earlier. I lay pressed against her breasts, her nipples in my palms, and I felt her breathing. Her heartbeat.

I woke to hear Dahlia speaking with someone. She wasn't in bed as usual, but by the door, speaking to someone beyond. I sat up a bit. Who was at the door?

It was a soft voice. A murmur. Dahlia noticed me sitting up. "Stay where you are," she commanded.

I didn't move a muscle.

Dahlia gently shut the door. She came back to me, and slid back into bed. She wrapped her arms around me. "We are nearing the end of our time together."

I nodded. I understood.

"Your mistress wants you sooner than we thought. We cannot deny her needs, especially since she has already paid her coin and signed your papers." Dahlia stroked my hair. "I have trained you to the best of my ability, though I would have preferred longer. It is most important to remember what I have taught you. Keep mindful, at all times."

I snuggled into her. She had been my only comfort for so long.

Dahlia tilted my chin up to look me in the eye. "My good girl, you have hardly even begun your journey. Your path to her is not complete, nor will it be, not until you know her better than you know yourself. Not until you have set yourself in her heart." She kissed the end of my nose. "This is a talk I needed to have with you, in any case. Please rise, and kneel on your pillow."

We both made our way out of bed. She wrapped her nakedness with silk, and allowed me to wear a robe as well, though she left it open. She said, "This is an important subject, and it requires your whole attention, so harken to my words. You may look directly into my eyes for this reason."

I lifted my gaze to hers, and gave her my undivided attention.

"Being owned is all well and good. You are someone's property. You're set for life, as is your family. But your place is not secure, not as much as you think it is. You can be traded. You can be sold. You can be gifted. You will not want to risk such a thing. These are just the dangers you may face that some slaves don't know about until it is too late."

I blanched. I didn't know about these risks, and the thought made me shudder.

"You must show your mistress your personality. You must enter into her heart. Your duty is her, which you chose willingly by coming here and surrendering your life to the process." Dahlia came over to me and put a kiss on the top of my head. "I have been privileged to train you. You have a natural curiosity and it lights up your personality. You have learned well to obey, but you must now go forth nad learn to shine."

"How do I do this, ma'am?"

"It's in the soft look in your eyes, and the way you reach for loving touch. It's the way you respond to punishment as well as pleasure. You express your tenderness and gentleness very well. And you have demonstrated to me that you can speak honestly in vulnerable moments." Dahlia smiled. "This is a wonderful start. It will be different, and you will go to a home with slaves who will wait on you, and make your life comfortable. You must never forget that your whole existence is in service to her. You must never forget that your job is her. Your goddess is her."

I nodded eagerly. I felt this deeply in my soul. I wanted that chance. I wanted to show my mistress that I was worth every last moment she spent with me. "Thank you for teaching me, ma'am." I blushed. "I won't forget you. Ever."

Dahlia hesitated, and smiled with a bit of sadness. "I shall not forget you, either. I have enjoyed being in a little cocoon of luxury and pleasure with you. You are a darling little submissive, and will do well for your mistress." She noticed my lip wobbling, and came over to hug me. "No, no tears now. This is a happy occasion. You have enough training that the Auction House is satisfisd to release you. You will receive more training from your mistress of course, so don't think you are finished yet. Your mistress will have her own ideas."

I nodded against Dahlia. I knew my mistress would have more things to teach me. It made me excited for the future, but also nervous.

Dahlia gently parted from me. "Come now. Let us ready you for your graduation. You must look your best!"

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