Chapter Twenty-Two

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I nursed for a long while, and even after I was finished emptying her breasts, I could not leave her. I clung to her, massaging her with tender hands, pressing in close. She held me close to her, unwilling to let me go. Curtains were drawn across the carriage windows, so I did not see much scenery, but my scenery was her.

When the carriages paused, my Mistress kissed the end of my nose. "We have reached the gates of my home," she said. "I will lead you to where you shall live. Your slaves will be bathed and cared for tonight—what kind of reward would you like to give the one who took the poor spot?"

"Let the others bathe her and please her the way she wishes," I said, after thinking about it. "Let that establish her as top contender for my attention, and give the others something to strive for."

"Clever little swan," she said, chuckling. "I like it. So it shall be."

The carriage rolled to a stop, and my Mistress let me close my robe. "Your nudity is my delight and pleasure to see," she told me. "When others come into our space and your robe is open, you may close it. If you are with me, it must remain open."

I nodded.

"Are you ready to see your new home?"

I smiled and nodded faster. "Yes, please, ma'am."

She tilted her head. "Ma'am sounds so formal."

I thought about this for a bit, and she too looked thoughtful. "I shall come across something better soon. It shall occur to me." She stroked my face. "Let us go, then, my beautiful one."

Stepping out of the carriage and into the nighttime outside was a surprise. Everything was well lit with the same expensive lamps as were in the carriage, and these lamps cast light across a stone mansion that looked more like a castle than a mansion. Standing outside, waiting for us, were the household staff. All of them, I noticed, were female, and all of them, I noticed, were eager for a look at me. There were a variety of different uniforms, and each of them had their own duties. I would have to learn them.

They were just as interested in me as I was in them, and there were hopeful smiles amongst them, rather than looks of concern or disdain. I smiled back at them, hopeful myself that they would be kindly.

My Mistress came to my side, and took my hand. I looked down in surprise. Was I not supposed to walk behind her?

"Little swan, step with me over the threshold of your new home," she said. "Do not walk behind me. You are my little bride, my swan. Walk into our home with me, together."

I looked up at her in shock. Bride? What? What...did that mean?

She smiled at me. "You joined my clan, did you not?"

I nodded slowly.

"Then take my hand, my sweet one." When I did, she and I walked through the open doors of her massive home.

The hustle and bustle of servants and my slaves were behind me. Before me was a gorgeous entryway with marble floors and vaulted ceilings. I remembered the Auction as being the richest looking place I'd ever seen before, but my Mistress's home put it to shame. Her home—no, our home, I corrected myself—was full of the richest furnishings and tapestries I'd ever seen.

Marble flooring and walls and columns, with plenty of wrought iron staircases in mysterious spots and a huge library. The kitchen was warm and inviting and smelled delicious and I met the woman who would be making the food I ate. The cook was kindly but busy, but not too busy that she couldn't sneak me a cookie.

My Mistress showed me a garden and a greenhouse, and there was a small elevator, even, to reach the third floor, where I would be staying.

My rooms were right next to my Mistress's, and only a hallway separated our rooms, no doors. She could come and go as she pleased. She had decorated the room colorfully and there was an inset living space with heaps of cushions, and another inset bed with soft blankets and pillows. It looked like a heaven of softness and tenderness, and I couldn't believe this was a place of my very own.

I looked at my Mistress, who lifted my hand to her lips to kiss it. "Little swan. What do you think?"

I looked at her, and beamed. "As long as my room is connected to yours."

"Silly swan," she said, "that bed is ours."



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