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"Behind the asteroid belt, this place is heaven," Saturn spoke as they floated on their back, resting.

"Why cause an angel lives here?" Jupiter snickered.

Saturn was not expecting that as he squeaked a bit, trying to keep himself together.

"Here we go again," Uranus cringed a bit, watching both Jupiter and Saturn be all weird with each other before turning around.

They've been together for what feels like forever. Uranus felt so awkward being with them. He always felt as if he was intruding on their intimate time or he was third-wheeling. He wouldn't mind it if he had someone else to talk to, but that seemed impossible. He has always been close to Neptune and enjoyed his company, but his orbit take around 165 human years, making it nearly impossible to hand out with him.

He felt so alone and he hated that. Yes, he had his moons, but he really never knew what his moons were up to or what they were even interested in. He felt so distant from everyone else. And so insecure. To make up for this misery, he picked up some hobbies such are writing in his diary whether it be short poems or stories to even his thoughts of how his day had been. He began to doodle in his diary as well which got him into art, painting the space around him. He found it calming and helped distract how lonely he felt.

Yes, he had Saturn and Jupiter to talk to.

And his moons.

But no one understood him.

Not like Neptune.

He sighed as he stared off towards the distant stars realizing how tranquil these past few Earth days were. He wondered how Neptune was or what he was up to.

He misses him dearly and hopes to see him once more.

Even for a second...

"HMPH!" Suddenly, a hand covered Uranus' mouth while an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him backwards.

Saturn screamed as he watched Uranus get dragged away into the unknown.


"HUH WHERE?" Jupiter quickly moved to where Saturn was pointing.


"OR ELSE WE'LL HARM YOU SECOND!" Saturn yelled from behind Jupiter, who just gave him a confused look after what utter nonsense he had just spat out.

"HELLOOOOOOO~" Neptune chirped as he held Uranus in a tight hug, floating towards the gas giants who screamed at his sudden appearance, thinking it was someone else.

"NEPTUNE!?" The three yelled while Uranus struggled to free himself from Neptune's tight grasp.

Neptune rubbed his cheek against Uranus' and grinned, "Hello my favorite neighborino! How's it going?"

"Oi mate let me go would ya?" Uranus shouted before he got attacked by smaller beings in the face.


"URANUS! WE MISSED YOU!" Neptune's moons squeaked as they emerged from their planet's coat, launching themselves towards Uranus' face and clinging onto him.

"Awww look at how tiny they are," Saturn smiled as he squinted his eyes, looking at the tiny 'asteroid' looking moons.

Jupiter did the same, pushing his glasses up, "Oh my."

Uranus floated onto his back as he tried to control the small moons before he had enough, "TITANIA! MIRANDA! HELP!" He shouted for his moons as they quickly rushed over from their orbits to see what was happening.

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