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(Holy moly- yeah February just is flying by!)


Charlie with her amazing brain of hers decided we all as a group make something for one another, for no reason what's so ever.

I can guess who might give who. (not because I'm secretly spying in my free)!

But whatever, I barely cared for Valentine's Day when I was alive, it was just another work day for me!

Clicking at my pen, who shall I give? Most likely not to Vaggie or Charlie... Or I mean I can... I have no clue what I'm thinking-

I can't really do stuff BUT DRAW! that's been my go-to gift for my whole life.

Especially with a deadline which is only a day sucks!

I went downstairs to seek ideas to whom and what,

Lucky for me I see Angel Dust, an amazing guy who five times out of ten is helpful.

"Uh, ANGEL DUST!" I yelled out and placed myself on the couch next to him.

He looks over to me, "What is it this time Y/n..?" He looks up from his phone looking tired.

"I don't know who to give and what the seven rings of hell they might want-" I  groaned.

He chuckles, "Give something to the smiley strawberry pimp, I made a mental list of who might give who, and he's not on that list."

"Alright, bet-" I said and went upstairs again to my dull room.

"They are such a weirdo..." Angel Dust mumbles as he scrolls through his phone.



I luckily around prepared a pretty good gift for Alastor, I hardly bet he did anything big. Whatever, but my deal anyhow.

"Thank you guys for coming today!" Charlie said happily wearing a heart pin.

Actually, I didn't notice all the Valentine's decorations that were everywhere. I have to give her props after this ludicrous activity.

"Okay, okay! Let me start!" She happily grabbed one of the gift bags and opened it.

It was two matching bracelets as well a small picture frame with a collage of pictures of Charlie and Vaggie and on the frame written "Happy Valentine's Day."

She smiled widely and ran to hug Vaggie, "Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Vaggie!!" She said quickly bouncing a little.

Vaggie smiled and patted Charlie back, "I get it, can we hurry it on?" she chuckled and asked sweetly.

"Yup!" Charlie got a gift bag to Vaggie, turn out to be the exact thing Vaggie had just given to Charlie.

Now it was forcefully Angie's turn, "Uh, this is for my favourite bartender... Husker?" Angel Dust gives Husker a small box.

"What's this?" He raises his eyebrow as he looks back and front of the box and Angel Dust.

"Well, open the fucking box you shothead!-" Angel Dust scoffs and crosses his arms.

Husker rolls his eyes and claws up the box just to be some grass-looking plant.

"Plant? You gave me a plant?" he tilted his head confused.

"Sniff it-" Angel moves his hand to gesture 'Take a breath'.

He cautiously smells it then quickly takes a large sniff of it and... Zines out?

★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Where stories live. Discover now