Buzzing Radio!

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Bz---z, bz-rt--z, ffz, s--zx, x--xc

No matter how hard Y/n tried looking over and 'fixing' in the most very heavy quotations... But it doesn't matter as It just kept on buzzing!

"How did I break it already?! It's been barely a month or two," Y/n groaned while moving the dials randomly and hitting the back of the radio as if that ever worked before.

Y/n then heard knocking at their door, "Who in the whole of hell needs me right now?" they thought to themselves then, they thought again,

"Eh, probably Charlie or something for some active

went over to the door, their hands wrapping over the knob, and standing in front of Y/n's door was not, in fact, the princess of hell, however, their good friend, Angel Dust.

"Doing alright toots..?" he tilted his head, he spoke questioning a little already double guessing himself.

"Angie! No what? I'm perfectly okay! Uh, why did you come here-" Y/n asked then immediately got buzzed off by the radio behind them.


"That." He replied he facepalms himself.


Many... Many hours later... He brought the hopefully not murderous radio to the lobby for all of us to fix, everyone tried to share an idea and plan, and everyone still including me was way too inside our heads.

I sighed while pinching the bridge of my nose.

It turned to only me trying to work it out because to the whole lobby working all together.

"Oh! What if I..." Charlie excited said as she walked a bit closer to it then when she tried to touch the radio screeched... Again... "SCHSCHSC!" Radio yelled again-

"What possessed ass radio did you get Y/n?!" Angel Dust whispered hiding behind the couch and pointing at it. Already shaking in his boots probably.

"Ain't mine, just a great gift given by the 'Great' Alastor... A possessed goofy radio..." I sarcastically replied to Angie.

At this point, everyone was one mile away from the screaming, and now shaking radio. Pray to anyone it doesn't LEVITATE on us!

Only Me, and Husker were the closest to it.

WAIT A DAMN MINUTE... If everyone is apperantly here, where on this hell IS ALASTOR? Yknow, the RADIO DEMON-?

"Hey... Husker, where is Alastor?-" I asked looking around.

"He's fucking h-" he pointed at an empty corner.

"Where is-" he looked back at me blinking confusingly

"I TOLD YOU!" I yelled out.

Now it escalates to only me trying to fix it, to the whole lobby trying to fix it, and now the whole lobby looking all over the hotel trying to find Alastor.

On a normal day we could usually care less on where he does go for his outing and etc... But when the radio gets involved we do now!

Now as everyone looked around for our dear deer overlord, I wondered if there was a reason or something that I missed of some sort of his disappearance and or the darn radio.

Vaggie and Charlie went upstairs to check there to see if he was just up there for some justification,

Husker and Niffty didn't really bother looking they both sat at the bar leaving them nothing to do,

and Angel Dust went outside, mostly to take a breather than to actually look for him.

I went to a logical place where he might be, You know the only other place he goes... His radio place or studio thing...

But, However, nonetheless, how can I ever enter?

Isn't it locked? I'm sure there is a gap... Ain't is wood or something?

Just gotta be a liquid smooth criminal~


You'd think after telling him how I ALMOST... killed Val because of the vent and gaps, he would try to cover them up too.

But, nope, he didn't... There were still gaps that I could pretty easily silp into, whatever does it matter?

It feels wrong to enter so easily but screw this, I need him.

Whatever, I entered, to only be face with an empty radio tower. Large windows all-around and etc.

As I was about to admit my defeat and walk back in the walk of shame and swallow my pride, a sound rang.

* C L I C K *

Well, shit.

What am I supposed to do?

"Can't I Just Hide In A Corner?"

Not when there is no literary dark spot in any area in this radio studio, light is my weakness-

Wait don't I, no, I haven't done that for years! And the last I did I got caught. IT'S FINE Y/N! WHATEVER HAPPENS TO ME IS BETTER THAN THAT BUZZING RADIO-

★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Where stories live. Discover now