# 127 - Nico Plus

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Nico had a lot of internalized homophobia about his feelings for Percy and some for Will.

Because of being born in 1932. Being raised in the 30s and 40s in a conservative Catholic house.

Where in the time period people were prosecuted and killed for liking the same sex.

He tried to hide his feelings for Percy under anger because he was afraid of his own feelings and people finding out.

He was scared that they would do the same thing that people did in the 30s and 40s.

But when Cupid outed him in front of Jason he got a reminder of what he actually felt for Percy under all that anger.

He was scared of Jason judging him and even possibly hurting him for liking guys.

But Jason comforted him about it and helped him understand that it is completely fine and normal to like the same sex.

He still has those small moments of internalized homophobia even when he is dating Will.

He is always scared of meeting different people and telling them about him dating Will because he can't predict how they would react.

Everyone at both camps are very accepting of lgbtq+ and there are some that are even apart of it.

Nico is only comfortable to openly show Will romantic affection around people he trust who already accepts him. Like both camps.

Everyone at both camps are trying to help Nico and Hazel adjust to things that are now accepted and that exist in the present day.

Nico didn't know the term gay since he was not exposed to the word but was exposed to the word homosexual when it comes to same sex relationships.

Cupid was the one to point out to Nico he was Gay and Jason had to explain to Nico what the word Gay meant.

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