Chapter 5

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 I silently cursed myself.

 It hadn't been ten minutes, and I already wanted to go home.

 Phaenna and Lyra were chatting idly about clothes and music and Phaenna's new hobby of kickboxing. I wasn't that surprised when she'd told me... She seemed to pick and drop a new activity every week.

 The line had been horrendous... and I was getting cold. But as we neared the door, and felt the pulsing beat of the loud speakers, I'd begun to drag my feet, earning a lot of grumbles from all the people behind us.

 "Hey, what's wrong?" Phaenna asked, catching my expression.

 "Nothing," I lied.

 I all but stopped in front of the door.

 Oh, I couldn't do this. My palms became slick with sweat. I was going to tell the girls that I'd changed my mind when—

 "Aaren, come on!" Phaenna said. "It's cold, and people are waiting!" She was right. I sighed, and didn't even have time to say "Okay." before we were swept inside with the crowd.


 Music slammed into me with such a force it seemed to rock my soul. My breath caught again. There were so many people. Then I just felt stupid. What had I been expecting?

 I'd been here once before, with Rhea. It had been years ago, but the club hadn't changed all that much.

 Blue and purple lights flashed and illuminated the dance floor. I should be fine. I was with my friends, which at the moment I still wasn't sure whether or not to be grateful for. I followed the girls to a booth at the other end of the huge space.

 Lyra looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a tight, black dress that hugged her perfect form and seemed to absorb all the light, making her skin look even paler and more alluring. Phaenna's dress on the other hand, was a silky white. Both girls had braided little lights into their hair, and Lyra had put tiny crystals by her unnaturally green eyes.

 Phaenna turned me around and quickly wove in some twinkle lights of my own. Once she was satisfied, she grinned and shouted over the blaring music. "Isn't this great?"

 I smiled back, but I felt like my head was going to explode. Nausea climbed up my throat.

 Lyra exclaimed, "Let's go dance!", and grabbed Phaenna's hand, who grabbed mine, dragging us both onto the dance floor. Phaenna giggled and started to move along to the rhythm. Lyra looked at me expectantly.

 I bobbed my head awkwardly along to the beat, focusing on the movement. Lyra's mouth tightened.

 I tried to plaster a smile to my face. Instead, based on her reaction, I assumed I got some creepy grimace.

 I tried to breathe, but the bodice of my dress was suddenly too tight, the music too loud, the dozens of people around me pressing in. My head began spinning.

 Lyra said something to Phaenna, who nodded, before placing a hand on my back and leading me to the bar, where the music was quieter. "Is everything okay?" That gods-damned question again. No, I was not okay.

 "Yeah." I answered tightly.

 She pushed me onto a stool, and took a seat next to me. "Have a drink," she said.

 There were too many people. I began to feel claustrophobic. This had been a mistake. I cursed myself for not staying home when I'd had the chance. "I don't really—"

 "Come on! Just something small." She interrupted, signaling to the man behind the counter.

 This was a really bad idea. I couldn't think straight. "Oh— okay..."

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