Chapter 6

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 I wasn't sure how long I sat out there. It could have been minutes or hours. All I could remember was that numb feeling... I hated it. It was worse than the aching feeling, which I had welcomed. It doesn't make sense, but I felt like... Like I needed it. The crushing sensation in my chest. It had tethered me to reality.

 And now without it I was... I felt... I felt nothing. And that scared me.

 The towering Dunamis shone in the distance. The perfumed scent of it's ballroom still stung my nostrils. Every year, on Henosis, a ball is hosted. Attendance is mandatory. I didn't shut out the memories of two years ago as they came. Everyone dancing and smiling. Rhea telling me she was tired. Asking me to come home with her. Not even getting a chance to say goodbye.

 A warm hand settled on my shoulder, breaking my reverie. Ezra. He sat down to my left and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close and enveloping me in his sage and spice scent. I looked up into his eyes, not bothering to hide my tears; he'd probably seen it all anyway.

 His eyes widened, as if he were surprised, but the expression was gone as quickly as it had come. I stared at him for a moment.

 He stared right back; I noticed his piercings catching the light.

 I cringed internally at the hoarseness of my voice when I said, "your left ear looks like an ornament."

 He let out an unexpected laugh. "You're bringing down my morale, Ember!"

 I smiled sheepishly and Ezra turned his gaze back to the city sprawled out ahead. Neither of us spoke for a while.

 "You know... I have an older brother."

 I cocked my head curiously, and he continued: "Total dick. But he was all I had left."

 That caught my attention. "Was?"

 Ezra smiled bitterly, a shadow spreading over his face. "I left him to rot as soon as I was old enough to fend for myself."

 Why... why was he telling me any of this? "How old were you?"

 He probably didn't mean for his voice to break when he said, "Fourteen."

 I stilled, my heart squeezing in sympathy. He had been alone too... And he had been so young... "I'm sorry," I whispered.

 He looked down at me again with raised eyebrows. "What for?"

 A beautiful shade of crimson spread across my face. "I-- I just know how hard it is to lose someone. My... my sister died a few years ago."

 "Then I am sorry for your loss." The way he said that, was so loaded with emotions one would think he felt responsible. I leaned further into his touch, starting to feel a bit light-headed again.

 I gnawed on my lower lip for a moment. "Why are you here?"

 Ezra's eyes glinted again with a mischief I felt far too familiar with for someone I barely knew. "Stalker, remember?" He shook his head, agitating his dark curls. The gleam in his gaze faded again. "I've been coming here recently to think... I wasn't expecting to find you here."

 "Well, thank you anyway," I replied, genuinely grateful. Then I felt strange. Why was I talking to him? Because I don't have anyone else to talk to. My stomach seemed to be twisting itself into knots. My eyes felt a bit heavy.

 "Someday," he said, "I'm going to make people remember me. Remember us-- all those who have suffered."

 "How?" I breathed.

 "I'm actually not sure yet," he admitted ruefully.

 To my surprise, I chuckled, and closed my eyes, leaning further into his warmth. "We have a problem."

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