Chapter 94 - Tea and Cookies

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Month 1, Day 28, Thursday 9:00 a.m.

Sebastien arrived at the University with barely enough time to make it to History of Magic. Although this class was with a different dormitory group than her others, and none of these students really knew her, Sebastien's entrance was greeted by a sudden hush followed by a resurgence of murmuring.

As Sebastien took her seat, the gazes that followed her made it obvious that her involvement in a rogue magic incident was widely known. She hoped that was all that was known.

To Sebastien's relief, Professor Ilma made no public display of concern for her, teaching as she would normally. "Your mid-terms have been graded," the woman announced without preamble, handing a stack of papers to her student aide to pass out. "Results and rankings have been posted on the announcement board in the library. We will not be discussing your test results during class time. There is too much content to get through. If you have questions, you may stay after class or come to my office hours."

Sebastien looked with slight pleasure at the grade atop her test paper. Ilma was a harsh taskmistress, but Sebastien had still managed to answer most of the questions to her satisfaction and received close to full marks. Some of the students near her peeked blatantly at her test, so she covered it with a glare that had them turning away, red-faced. 'The rudeness is already getting on my nerves. If the day continues like this, I might very well snap.'

Ilma had only been lecturing for a few minutes when the door opened again.

Another student aide stepped in and murmured something to Professor Ilma, and then they both turned to look at her.

"Mr. Siverling, your presence is required elsewhere," Ilma said. "Feel free to see me later if you feel this undue interruption might negatively impact your studies."

The aide shuffled uncomfortably, but apparently whoever had called for Sebastien had enough clout to risk Ilma's dissatisfaction.

Sebastien followed the aide out into the hall. "Do you know what this is about?" she asked, adjusting the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she tried to keep the apprehension out of her voice.

The aide shook her head, walking quickly and not looking at Sebastien. "I do not."

"Who wants to see me?"

"The History Chair, Grandmaster Kiernan," the woman said succinctly.

Sebastien had never met the Chair of the History department before. 'Is Grandmaster Kiernan part of Munchworth and Tanya's faction? Munchworth is in the History department, too... Could they have suspicions about my presence at the scene?' Possibilities ran rampant through her head, and she found herself reaching for her Conduit before she noticed and stopped herself. All too soon, before she had any kind of plan in place, they arrived at Kiernan's door.

The student aide opened it and waved her through with a shallow bow.

Swallowing, Sebastien lifted her chin and stepped into the room.

Grandmaster Kiernan, who was sitting behind an expensive desk, looked up with a smile when she entered. He did not remind her of Munchworth in the least. Kiernan had a polished, bald head and a short grey beard. His office was warm and filled with historical artifacts and relics. They sat on warded stands and display cases, filling the spaces between books on the shelves that lined the walls.

"Mr. Siverling! Thank you for coming. Take a seat, please," he offered, motioning to the plush couch next to a window instead of the chairs in front of his desk.

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