Chapter 97 - Properties of Explosive Materials (Part 2)

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Damien looked incredulously to Ana, who laughed and shook her head. "Sebastien, you seem to have misunderstood."

Damien nodded. "It's true, they say the exhibitions are for the sake of the students, but they seem more like a multi-day magical street fair. I attended every year as a child, and they were the highlight of my spring."

"It's not optimal for students who are trying to focus during that critical time," Ana added, "but the University has some token policies in place that are supposed to be for student benefit and maintain our learning environment. But they'll never restrict entrance to only potential employers or sponsors. It's too big a revenue source, as well as a great way to build and spread their reputation."

"So...I'm supposed to put on a show for who knows how many people, who might not even have any idea about how magic works, as part of a gigantic festival. And get fifty contribution points," Sebastien said, dragging her hand down her face in the way that she'd seen Oliver do when he was overwhelmed.

"You're not shy around crowds," Damien said. "Or around anyone," he added in a low mutter. "I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you prepare."

Ana smiled encouragingly. "I believe in you. But in case you're interested, there are records, both from the internal University publication and official reports, that detail what kinds of exhibitions received rewards. That should allow you to tailor your efforts to your audience."

"Thank you." Sebastien didn't want to research prior exhibitions, or start planning and developing a magical performance. She was struggling to care. But she recognized that trying to "wing" something at the last minute was a bad idea. If she failed to meet his demands, Professor Lacer might not allow her to remain at the University. Even though she was too tired to feel it at the moment, she knew her lifelong dream of learning magic wasn't something she could allow to slip through her grasp. When she had recovered from this malaise, whatever it was, she would regret inaction.

Damien seemed to notice a little of what she was feeling on her face. "Are you okay, Sebastien?"

"Tired," she replied simply.

"Really? I mean, is that it? I know you can't talk about what happened with us, but maybe you should go to the infirmary? They have mind-healers who've taken confidentiality vows. You seem..."

Sebastien rubbed her eyes. "I don't need a mind-healer, Damien. I just have a few too many things on my plate at once."

Damien was silent for a moment. He looked to see that Ana was distracted with talking to someone else, and far enough away not to hear, then said quietly, "Maybe I could help take a few 'things' off your plate? I can handle more responsibility."

Sebastien wanted to snap that his nosiness, his inclusion in her secrets, was one of her many problems. Instead, she gritted her teeth and announced abruptly, "Actually, I am going to go to the infirmary. Maybe they have something stronger than coffee to help keep me awake."

She could practically feel Damien's solicitous gaze on her back as she strode away.

Instead of the infirmary, though, she veered off and made for Professor Lacer's office, where he retreated as soon as possible after his classes. She knocked sharply, then opened the door and strode inside, stopping in front of Lacer's desk.

He looked up slowly from the scattered papers and books. Some held complicated spell arrays and what might even have been a half-finished ward plan for a residence. "How can I help you, Mr. Siverling?"

Sebastien clenched and unclenched her fists, let out a slow breath, and said, "Professor Lacer, I respect and admire you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"However, I have to insist that you respect my personal boundaries. It is unacceptable for you to cast magic on me against my will, without my consent. Especially magic that will force me to sleep. Or in any way affect my mental state. I would never have consented to it, and will not consent to the like in the future."

Thaddeus Lacer placed down his pen and leaned back in his seat. He met her gaze for a few long, agonizing seconds. "I understand. I will not do such a thing again, and will try to remember to ask your consent before casting any other magics that affect your person, unless I judge you are in immediate and severe danger without my interference."

Sebastien's shoulders loosened, but she lifted her chin, giving him a dignified nod. "Thank you. I'll leave you to your work." With a shallow bow, she turned and left the room without another word.

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