02 | Blindsided

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The sound of an alarm woke Cammie from a deep slumber. She slowly peeled her eyelids open and glanced around her room trying to get her bearings.

Grey, morning light was seeping in around her drawn curtains, but no light came from under her door. Her mind only registered the fact that the alarm was still going when she flung her legs out from under the covers and glanced down to see it waiting to be deactivated. She pressed the blue button and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Thrusting open her curtains letting the natural light fill the room rather than flicking a switch.

Grabbing a brush off the table she began to run it through her hair and putting it up into a high ponytail. Then she headed to the bathroom to wash her face and apply a thin layer of makeup. Finally she put on the outfit that Gemma had picked out for her.

It was a vintage cream skirt, a grey tank top with a matching thin sweater that finished at the same length as her skirt and grey, pleather boots that laced up in the front. Kicking a few things out of the way she shut the door to her wardrobe and took a look at herself in the full-length mirror. She had to admit, she looked pretty cute.

Paisley was sat at the kitchen table, wearing a lavender dress with pale grey ballet flats. She was tapping away at her phone and didn't look up when Cammie came in she just ignored her when she asked what time it was, and whether there was any coffee left. Cammie sipped her coffee and munched down a banana.

"You ready Paisley? Got everything packed?" she asked placing her mug in the sink. Paisley just sighed before nodding and left the room. She wasn't surprised by Paisley's actions, it was normal attitude. So she just brushed her teeth and checked through her school back, a brown leather satchel bag, which she had saved up all year to get. She no one else in school would have one; it came from England, the Cambridge Satchel Company. She shoved her phone into the front pocket of her bag, not bothering to see if anyone had tried to contact her, she knew they hadn't. Cammie buckled up the bag and slung it up on her shoulder.

"Cammie! Paisley! Let's move out!" George called to his girls as he grabbed the car keys off the hook. Cammie came down the hall first. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, something neither of his girls did often.

"Is it okay if I just go out?" she asked heading for the door.

"Sure sweetie, take the keys." He tossed the keys through the air and they clanked together. Cammie caught them easily and headed outside, breathing in the warm September air. She looked up and down the street; all of the houses looked the same. Perfectly manicured gardens, black roofs, white outside walls, the only difference was the door colour. The Haveryard's door was light blue, because that had been Mrs. Haveryard's favourite colour. The Pines had a hunter green, which Cammie had always found ironic; since their name was basically a green colour in itself.

The Knights had a sunset orange colour and Cammie always smiled when she saw it. Not only because of the colour, but it was Jace's door, not that that mattered to Cammie. The warm orange always made her think of him. She huffed and climbed into the passenger seat of the white Mercedes. In all honestly she preferred her mother's blue PT Cruiser, but it was in the garage and hadn't been used for four years. She washed it every Saturday and was grateful that it was her dad's old car that her mom had taken to go pick her up that night. The back door opened and Paisley's bag was tossed into the car, soon followed by Paisley herself.

Their dad got in and started the car. The car ride was silent, everyone had their own thoughts and worries and hopes about today. Cammie gazed out the side window, Paisley stared down at her phone, every so often she would glance at her bag, but then her gaze would return to the glowing screen. Geroge concentrated on the road. The middle school wasn't that far, but the high school was a fare distance, not un-walkable, but tiring.

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