04 | Trapped

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Cammie straightened her hair and put it into a half up half down ponytail and slipped into a pale pink dress shirt with brown strappy sandals. She looked cute and ready to tackle anything that might come at her when she arrived at school. Her eyes were still slightly bloodshot from all the crying she had done yesterday, but she hid it well with some concealer and powder. Paisley had gotten a lift to school early with Lilly James down the street and so Cammie headed to wait at the front door for her dad to finish his coffee.

"I think maybe I should start taking the bus." She said as he grabbed his wallet and cell phone off the hall table. George rolled his eyes. They were never late arriving to school and if he knew he might not be able to take his girls they could walk if they left early enough. But he liked picking up and dropping off Cammie and Paisley at school because it gave him some time with them, which wasn't something that happened often.

"Don't be silly. Come on we need to go." He said hurrying Cammie out the door; not knowing that her stomach was twisting and turning and threatening to throw up her bagel at the thought of having to face Jace, Gemma, Ramsey and even Liam.

See the problem with having all the pages of your diary published for everyone to see that odds are the people closest to you are going to be in it a lot whether they like it or not and not everything you have to say about them will be pleasant.

It's ideal that they read the moments you were most stressed out, most irritated, most vexed with them. Or maybe wore, most in love with them.

Dear Reader,

Liam Abrams is so sweet, he let me borrow his pen the other day, but it felt like he handed me the Hope Diamond. He even said I could keep it at the end of class...

So, in Liam's case it was all good, she didn't know him well enough to truly have anything bad to say about him. Except maybe that she didn't like that salmon-colored polo he wore to school one day. Still, she hoped he hadn't read the page of the diary that talked about her little itty-bitty crush. It had been a brief phase, but she had liked Liam for a time. It was nothing strong, nothing like how she'd always cared for Jace. It was a transitory time, right after Jace and Gemma has started dating and Cammie had been trying to force herself to move on and be happy for her two friends.

If he did ask her about it, she had decided to tell him that someone was playing an awful prank on her. That it was from a long time ago and she hoped they could still be friends. In fact, that was the line she was planning to use on everyone. If anyone even. Wanted to talk to her anymore that is.

"So how is senior year Camster? You haven't said much, I know how excited you were and last night you seemed so... upset." Cammie sniffed and tried to stop her hands from shaking. She knew she couldn't tell her dad what was happening, he wouldn't understand.

"It's been fine, nothing has happened worth mentioning that's all. Last night was just hormones." She lied not glancing in his direction and knowing that her dad wouldn't pry into the word "hormones". She had thought she was dying when she got her period because her dad had never mentioned it to her, and her mother hadn't been around to do it either.

George frowned, "Well, okay then. But I hope we don't make a habit of leaving school early for hormonal reasons. The school called me, very concerned."

To his credit, he seemed concerned. Cammie thought her father's hesitant, probing, yet reluctant questions saddened her more than it would if he had just ignored the fact, she was upset in the first place. It only emphasized the gap between them and the absence of her mother.

She also didn't care to mention her opinion that if men had "hormonal" issues every month that came with bleed for up to a week they'd figure out a way to leave school early without an issue.

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