08 | Library Love

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If anything proved that time yielded to no one it was the arrival of Friday. Cammie had, with all her might, prayed and begged for something to prevent the sun from rising on Friday morning but it rose just the same as any other day. She was sure that if it were possible to slow the ticking of the clock then she would have been able to do it with the amount dread alone. She didn't want to go to detention. It was humiliating and it reminded her of the fact that she had no idea who had stolen her diary and was essentially taking the blame for what that person had done to her. And the worst part, they still had it. She had no idea who still had her precious words. It felt like a part of her had been ripped away and was missing.

Though right now she felt as if she would burn the darn thing the moment it made it back into her hands. The one thing she thought would never betray her had been her downfall.

Her own words, inked with fear and love, hate and anxiety, excitement and longing had betrayed her. Writing her emotions had been something that began as a form of therapy at the recommendation of the therapist she'd had briefly.

Her eyelids opened with heavy weights tied to their blonde lashes. Reluctantly she rose to get ready.

Gemma was waiting for her in their homeroom. Jace was nowhere to be seen and Cammie didn't know how to feel about that. She'd seen him last night. Her kitchen window looked right into his and she had seen him staring into the haunting light of the fridge around midnight while making herself a cup of chamomile tea. His arm resting and supporting him against the freezer and his forehead pressed against it. Familiar longing twinged in her chest. She wanted to hold him, comfort him, offer him whatever it was he needed.

She wanted to fill a thermos and bring him a cup of tea like she used to.

"Jace," eye roll, "he's so dramatic I usually just leave him to his own devices or tell him what he wants to hear. I wear the pants in this relationship." Gemma would say with a wink anytime she and Jace got into a fight or something was bothering him. It always angered Cammie, the way Gem brushed off Jace's feelings. She didn't believe that was how you treated someone you loved.

Whatever it was that was bothering him last night, Cammie also knew it wasn't her place to ask Gemma about it. She was trying to deflect suspicion about her feelings for him, not encourage them.

Sitting with Gemma now though, it felt like a physical strain stopped concerned words from leaving her lips. Then again, Gemma was never at a loss for words so it wasn't like they had to sit in silence instead.

"Now, finally I have you to myself. Will you please tell me what is going on?"

Cammie sighed, "I don't know. I don't know who could have done it--"

Gemma laughed and waved her hand in dismissal, "Oh forget about the diary Cam! Tell me about the hunk of man cakes that declared his love for you like Romeo in front of the whole school."

A blush blossomed right on cue, "Oh- well I told him not to do that. It was quite embarrassing, wasn't it?"

Gemma laughed again, "I wouldn't say that, but of course you would you little pansy. I mean I knew you and Ramsey had a little history but damn." Gem paused and spared her friend a suspicious look, "You do usually tell me everything. I was hurt at the idea you kept something like this from me. Is there anything you want to tell me Cam now?"

"I- I want to say I'm sorry." Cammie whispered, forcing herself to look Gemma in the eye. She knew Gemma was being sweet, ignoring the elephant in the room that was tooting about the pages of the diary. The same pages that Jace had tried to confront her about yesterday and there was absolutely zero chance that Gemma hadn't also read them. This was the second time Gemma had tried to brush off the issue of the diary and Cammie couldn't help but think she was trying to avoid it, whether it was to save Cammie the humiliation of having to talk about it or because she truly didn't want to know, Cammie couldn't be sure. What she was sure of was that she had to lay the foundation for her and Ramsey's plan. If anyone could see through it all it was Gem.

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