10 | Roses are Red

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They sat in the car, him driving, and her staring out the passenger window trying to ignore the weight of the awkward silence settling around them. Cammie was beginning to regret agreeing to take a lift to school from Jace. She hadn't expected it to be so uncomfortable. It was meant to give them time to talk everything through, but she didn't want to be the one to start the conversation. She had been hoping against hope that Jace would take everything as well as Gemma had. Especially considering that it all shouldn't have been news to him since her confession at the end of summer. Apparently she was unlikely. She shouldn't have expected anything less than the most painful experience considering her life recently.

Jace's car was an old grey car. It had black leather interior and a grey metallic dash board. It was his brother's old car. Jace's older brother Daniel was from his father's first marriage so technically they were half brothers, but you would never know, they looked so similar. Daniel was four years older than Jace and had moved out of the house. Cammie had never been very close to Daniel, but she remembered him being very nice and respectful to her when she was young, although she remembered Daniel teasing Cammie and Jace about how they would grow up and have babies together. It had always made her heart skip even when she was little.

"Cammie, can you please just explain?" Jace said stealing a quick glance at her before returning his eyes to the road. Her heart thumped louder in her chest at the sound of his voice, blood rushing around her head made it sound like a flooding river in her ears. Her cheeks turned pink for a split second before she gained control again.

She bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure what I have to explain."

Jace laughed unable to believe that Cammie could be so blaze about the situation.

"Cammie you told the whole school you loved me. And then you burst into the lunch room and announced you were dating someone else. I don't know what to think. You're my best friend. I don't know how you want me to react to that. I'm dating Gemma, but the thing is that if you feel that way, it changes-"

"Don't say it!" she shouted snapping her head around to look at his profile. He was griping the steering wheel shaking his head, "This doesn't change anything. I can still be your best friend. Gemma and you don't need to worry about me getting in the way, I already told her that. I mean sure it's hard to be a third wheel sometimes, but the love part is something I'm working on. I mean of course I love you both so much, but I'm moving on. I already know you don't feel the same way after the party." Her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Jace had a deep frown on his face and his knuckles had remained white on the steering wheel.

She waited with bated breath for I'm to reply, finally he sighed defeated.

"I know that this semester had been a little, uh, weird between us Cam-Jam. And I hate it and I feel like part of that is my fault-"

"No, no Jace. It's my fault, I pushed you. I didn't know you were with Gemma again." She swallowed down the lump in her throat, "God, I'm an idiot. Can we please just forget about it all?"

Another tense silence from Jace. She was scared for a moment he wasn't going to agree. After years of reading him she could see he was conflicted, hurting even and she was terrified he wouldn't let it go. But then he said, "Fine Cam-Jam I'll drop it for now. Gemma and I don't want anything to change nothing has to change..."

Cammie breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, good. Besides, I'm dating Ramsey now." She twisted her hands together, "I think I really like him J." They seemed to slip back into the nicknames they had since they were eight.

Jace clenched his teeth together, "Yeah about Stone, what's that all about? It seems kind'a sudden and random. I'm not sure he's good for you Cam. He always used to bully you didn't he? I specifically remember you crying to Gem about how he wouldn't even smile at you in the halls at school last year."

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