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Morning time 08:00am

Y/N pov :

Morning SunshineAs the sun peeks through my curtains, I reluctantly drag myself out of bed. It's 8:00 am, time to start another day. With a deep sigh, I embark on my morning routine, hitting the bathroom for a refreshing shower and then heading to the kitchen for a hearty breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, awakening my senses for the day ahead.

Dive into StudiesBy 10:30 am, it's time to dive into the realm of knowledge. Armed with textbooks and determination, I immerse myself in a sea of study notes. The world outside fades away as I grapple with equations, theories, and historical facts. The clock ticks away, but my mind remains focused, absorbing every piece of information like a sponge.

Lunch Break and BeyondAs the clock strikes noon, I emerge from my study cocoon, hungry for both food and fresh air. A quick lunch fuels my body, preparing me for the afternoon's adventure. With badminton racket in hand, I head out for a vigorous practice session. The thrill of the game, the sound of shuttlecocks slicing through the air, it's pure bliss.

Return to BaseBy 5:00 pm, the sun begins its descent, signaling the end of practice. Exhausted but exhilarated, I return home, muscles tingling with satisfaction. A brief moment of relaxation recharges my batteries, readying me for the next chapter of the day.

Gaming Escapade As evening descends, it's time for a different kind of adventure. With controller in hand, I delve into the virtual realms of my favorite games. Each level conquered, each challenge overcome, it's a journey of skill and strategy, a welcome escape from the rigors of reality.

Twilight Reprieve As dusk settles in, dinner beckons, a comforting respite from the day's exertions. With appetite sated, I bask in the twilight hours, savoring the moments of peace and tranquility before the night's embrace.

At night : 11:55 pm

I prepared a custom video for him I hope he will like it and won't say that he is the best editor although he is but I'm a good editor too also I've practices editing for 2 yrs online so I know equal to him just one minute left and it's going to be his birthday

On Ig :-

Y/N: Hey Azan! 🎉 Happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day filled with joy and laughter!

Azan:Thank you so much, Y/N! You're the first one to wish me today. 😊

Y/N: Really? Well, I'm honored then! How's your day going so far?

Azan: It's been pretty good. Just chilling at home for now. How about you?

Y/N: Same here, just taking it easy. Oh, I made something for you. Check your messages!

*Y/N sends an edit she made for Azan .*

Azan:Wow, Y/N! This edit is incredible! I love how you captured our memories. Thank you so much! 😍

Y/N: I'm glad you like it! I had fun putting it together for you. You mean a lot to me, Azan.

Azan:You mean a lot to me too, Y/N. In fact, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now.

Y/N:What is it?

Azan:I... I have feelings for you, Y/N. More than just friendship. I've been trying to find the right moment to say it, and I figured my birthday is as good a time as any.

Y/N:Azan, I... I feel the same way. I've been hoping you'd feel the same.

Azan:Really? Wow, this is amazing! I can't believe we both feel this way.

Y/N: Me neither. I'm really happy, Azan.

Azan: So am I, Y/N. This is the best birthday gift I could have asked for.

Y/N:I'm glad I could make your day even better. Here's to many more memories together.

Azan:Definitely. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.


And thus, a beautiful new chapter begins in Y/N and Azan's story.


Hey everyone,

I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to drop a quick note to apologize for the delay in uploading the story. Life got a bit hectic, but I promise it'll be worth the wait! Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Warm regards, [Your author ]

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