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Y/N pov :
Certainly! Here's the routine split into morning, afternoon, and evening:

At 08:10 am

The sun lazily creeps through the curtains, coaxing me awake around 8:00 AM on Sunday mornings. I relish the luxury of a late start, stretching out in bed before finally rising. After some gentle stretches and a short meditation session, I embrace the day with a hearty breakfast of avocado toast and freshly brewed coffee. With the morning paper or a captivating book in hand, I ease into the day, savoring the peace and quiet.

At 3 pm

As the morning transitions into afternoon, I venture out into the serene embrace of the nearby park, where I lose myself in the rustling of leaves and the symphony of birdsong. A brunch date with a dear friend awaits at a cozy café, where we share tales of our week over stacks of fluffy pancakes and steaming mugs of coffee. Upon returning home, I immerse myself in a personal project, whether it be painting, gardening, or strumming melodies on my guitar. Lunch is a simple affair of grilled chicken salad, fueling me for the afternoon ahead.

At 7 pm

As evening descends, I seek solace in a virtual yoga class, allowing the gentle flow of movements to wash away the stresses of the week. With a refreshed mind and body, I tackle household chores and errands, setting the stage for a smooth start to the upcoming week. The evening unfolds with a cozy movie marathon or the exploration of a new series, accompanied by buttery popcorn and the soft glow of candlelight. Before bidding the day farewell, I retreat to the pages of my journal, capturing the fleeting moments and reflections of a fulfilling Sunday, eagerly anticipating the adventures that await in the days ahead.

I was just scrolling through msgs when zeena came and told me that my boy friend is sexting her and also she like it but also don't like it she gave proofs and I was like why are you giving him space than just focus on your life don't talk to him , I felt a sharp pain in my heart seeing all his chats with her although she's her best friend but still he'd have stayed in limits then this is what I said to him ,

On Ig :

Y/N:Azan, I need to talk to you about something really important.

Azan:What's going on, Y/N?

Y/N: I received some screenshots from your best friend, and they're really concerning.

Azan:Oh no, what screenshots?

Y/N: Screenshots of your conversations... They're... explicit, Azan. Between you and her.

Azan:Y/N, I can explain. It's not what it seems like.

Y/N:Azan, how can there be an explanation for that? I trusted you.

Azan: I know, and I'm so sorry. It's just that we've been friends for so long, and things got out of hand.

Y/N: But sexting? That's not just friendship, Azan. I feel betrayed.

Azan:Please, Y/N, don't give up on us. I messed up, I know, but you mean everything to me.

Y/N: I don't know if I can trust you anymore, Azan. This hurts so much.

Azan:I understand, Y/N. I'm truly sorry. I'll do anything to make it right. Can we please talk about this?

Y/N:I need some time to process everything. Right now, I'm not sure about anything.

Azan: I'll give you all the time you need. Just know that I'll be here, waiting, and I'll do whatever it takes to fix this.

Y/N:Thank you, Azan. But right now, I need to figure out where I stand.

After the conversation, you take a moment to reflect on your feelings and thoughts. You realize that expressing your uncertainty was a necessary step for you to gain clarity. You jot down some notes about where you stand and what you want to communicate next to Azan. You also remind yourself of the importance of focusing on your Wattpad story as a means of expressing and exploring your emotions and experiences. Taking time for self-reflection and creative expression feels like the right path forward during this uncertain time in your relationship.

At this point in the conversation, it might be beneficial for Y/N to take some time to reflect on her feelings and decide what she truly wants in the relationship. She could express her need for space and clarity before making any decisions. Additionally, it could be helpful for both Y/N and Azan to consider seeking guidance from a trusted friend or counselor to navigate through this challenging situation. Communication, honesty, and introspection will be key in determining the future of their relationship.

I talked with zeena

On Ig :

Y/N: Zeena, we need to talk.

Zeena:Sure, what's up?

Y/N: I was just thinking about the screenshots you sent me.

Zeena:Oh... I didn't mean to sent those directly but I'm sorry I did

Y/N: How could you do this, Zeena? I trusted you.

Zeena:I know, and I'm sorry. I thought you deserved to know.

Y/N: By betraying my trust? By having extreme intimate chats with my boyfriend ? How is that supposed to help?

Zeena:I just couldn't keep it from you. You needed to know what was going on.

Y/N:But you could have talked to me first, Zeena. We're supposed to be friends.

Zeena:I messed up, Y/N. I was just trying to look out for you.

Y/N: Well, you certainly didn't do it in the right way. I feel so betrayed right now.

Zeena:I understand, Y/N. I really do. I just hope you can forgive me someday.

Y/N: I need some time to process everything, Zeena. I don't know if I can trust you again.

Zeena:I'll give you all the time you need, Y/N. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what.

Y/N:I appreciate that, Zeena. But right now, I need to figure out where our friendship stands.

I can't even trust girls after this , like really I just trusted her more and didn't told them to break their friendship but I didn't knew my dogs were gonna team up and bite me

I slept again as it was 4 in morning


See you soon Butterflies 🦋

Love you all

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