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Author's pov :

After discovering Azan's betrayal, Y/N goes through a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from heartbreak and anger to confusion and sadness. The betrayal cuts deep, especially since their relationship was built on trust and emotional connection, even though it was primarily online.

Y/N confronts Azan about the betrayal, leading to heated arguments and tearful apologies. Azan struggles to explain his actions, torn between his feelings for Y/N and the mistakes he made. Despite the pain, Y/N finds herself torn between her love for Azan and the betrayal she feels.

As they navigate through the turmoil, Y/N and Azan embark on a journey of reconciliation and forgiveness. They delve into the complexities of their relationship, addressing issues of communication, boundaries, and honesty. Through soul-searching conversations and heartfelt gestures, they begin to rebuild the shattered pieces of their relationship.

The title, "It's Normal All Again, OK," reflects the longing for things to return to how they were before the betrayal, despite the scars left behind. It's a testament to the resilience of love and the human capacity for forgiveness, even in the face of adversity.

As the story unfolds, readers are immersed in the emotional turmoil of Y/N and Azan's journey, feeling the highs and lows of their relationship as if they were experiencing it themselves.

Y/n pov :

The  betrayal feels like a sharp dagger plunged into my heart, ripping apart the fabric of trust I had carefully woven around my relationship with Azan. As an Indian woman, I was taught to cherish love, to believe in the sanctity of commitment, and to honor the bonds forged through shared dreams and whispered promises.

The revelation of Azan's infidelity sends me into a whirlwind of emotions. At first, there is denial, a desperate attempt to cling to the fragments of my shattered reality. Then, the denial gives way to anger, a searing fire that burns through my veins, leaving behind ashes of resentment and bitterness.

I question everything—the late-night conversations, the stolen moments of intimacy shared through screens, the promises of forever whispered into the silent void of cyberspace. How could Azan betray me, our love, and everything we had built together?

But beneath the layers of hurt and betrayal lies a flicker of hope, a tiny ember refusing to be extinguished. My heart yearns for closure, for answers, for a chance to mend what was broken beyond repair.

In the depths of my despair, I find the strength to confront Azan, to demand the truth that has eluded me for so long. Our conversations are fraught with tension, with tears and accusations, with words left unspoken and wounds left unhealed.

Yet, in the midst of the chaos, there is a glimmer of understanding, a shared vulnerability that transcends the pain. I realize that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the depth of my love, to my willingness to rebuild what was lost.

As I was thinking about all this my phone ringed!!
and I saw the notification it was from him , it might be normal for him but for me it was not less than being half dead he is my first boyfriend like I haven't proposed any boy before him nor any boy proposed me as I was chubby girl no one liked me expect my family especially my mom n I opened my instagram and saw his msg


"My Dearest Y/N,

As I sit here, grappling with the weight of my mistakes, I'm overwhelmed by the depth of your forgiveness and the boundless love you've shown me, even in the darkest of times.

I cannot begin to express the depth of my remorse for the pain I've caused you. My heart aches with the knowledge of the tears you've shed because of my betrayal. You placed your trust in me, and I betrayed that trust in the most painful way imaginable.

But amidst the wreckage of our relationship, there is a flicker of hope, a glimmer of redemption that only your love could ignite. Your forgiveness, though undeserved, is a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding me back to you.

I promise to spend every moment of my life earning back the trust I've shattered. I vow to cherish you, to honor you, and to love you with every fiber of my being. You are the anchor that keeps me grounded, the light that guides me through the storm.

Please know, my love, that I am committed to making things right, to proving myself worthy of your love once more. Together, we can rebuild what was lost, stronger and more resilient than before.

With all my love and devotion,

I was shocked as he wasn't good in English but he wrote this and I was like he's playing once again but I did forgave him and now I need to forget this I need to move on from this incident forget all these and re-start and I replied ;

"Dear Azan,Your apology means the world to me. Despite the pain, I believe in us and in our ability to overcome this hurdle. Let's work together to rebuild what we've lost and cherish each other even more.With love, Y/N" 

After that it was night and he wanted me to have a call with him as it's been week and I agreed as I was longing to hear his voice

At 2pm [On call ]:

Azan: Hey Y/N, how are you feeling today?

Y/N: Hi Azan, I'm doing okay. How about you?

Azan: I'm alright. I've been thinking a lot about us lately.

Y/N: Me too. It's been a journey, hasn't it?

Azan: Yeah, it really has. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your forgiveness.

Y/N: It hasn't been easy, but I believe in giving second chances.

Azan: I promise to make things right, Y/N. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust.

Y/N: I know you will, Azan. Let's take it one step at a time.

Azan: Agreed. Thank you for giving us another chance.

Y/N: You're welcome, Azan. Let's keep communicating and working through this together.

Azan: Absolutely. I love you, Y/N.

Y/N: I love you too, Azan.

Azan : I won't repeat anything my love I promise

Y/N : I hope too and trust you last time

Call ended [04:45am]


What do you think y/n did the right thing or she shouldn't had  forgave azan??

Apologies for the delay, everyone! Life threw a curveball, but the story is finally here. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Hope you enjoy it! 📖✨

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