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Here is the last chapter! Feeling emotional as well, as I do write but I am attached to all my story couples and other character's as well. Thank you for showing your Love all the time.

Please give your valuable remarks personal on DM or here itself, I would love to hear it out how my book was.

Next Book maybe of [Kanav + Ahana (Oh...the Heart Flipped) or Maybe Parth and Kriti (To Make her Smile) might change the name of the story of Kanav's Later]

Kripa's POV

7 years later

"Very good Arsh, Yes...Nice" I said encouraging my son to skate forward.

He was about to fall but I catch him on time. He Chuckles and I ruffle his hair.

"Mumma food, I am hungry !" He said pouting

"Are? Again? You just ate now" I said removing his skates

"Mumma I am again Hungry"

"Just like your father. Not now, You just ate, eat all the time is not good. Okay!"


I kiss his cheek "You are mumma's Sweet boy"

He grins "Really Mumma?"

"Yes Really, Now let's go and see what your little sister and Papa is doing"

He holds my hand and we get in the room.

As I open the door I saw Yash Draping Saree on Katha.

I suppress my laugh "What are you going?"

"Aww My daughter is looking so Pretty" Yash kiss her nose.

"Indeed" I said and kneel down.

"Come here My champ, I will drape a pagdi on your head" Yash Took Arsh in his Arm.

Arsh is 6 years old and Katha is just 2 ! Arsh is like Yash and Maybe Katha as well, they have some qualities of mine.

Arsh is so good in athletes and has won many prizes. He at the age of 4 started learning skating from me as he looked very fascinated for it.

There is one special thing about Arsh that he has Amber eyes. Brown but also looks like red at time, I mean so beautiful! Maybe It's in genes. Because Yash said His Grand father and Chacha had the same eye colour.

My boy is going to be so attractive when grown up and Katha, she has these lips bow like that when she smiles Haye. By the way I have bow like lips! My babies are so cute.

"Wow I look smart" Said Arsh and then at Me "Mumma I am look smart right?"

"Yes !"

"More than Papa?"

I laugh "Yes More than Papa"

I take Katha in my arms and kiss her cheek "So Beautiful"

She starts dancing and I laugh again. She is our Daughter and this is the proof.

"Dance dance" She jumps and Yash put on a Song.

He dance with Katha in her arms and I dance with Arsh.

I smile at Yash. He is really a good father. He takes time for  kids and we share our responsibility equally. When I am at another state for competition he is at home with kids.

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