what has my life become...

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Hi guys! have fun reading the first chapter! im really excited to start the story and I hope you love the characters as much as I do



Oh my god I think im going to commit murder, im not even kidding, plain cold blooded murder. I lean my head back on the bench leg and I close my eyes, determined to ignore my calculus homework, which I'm sure you can guess is the source of my sudden harmful urges. 

It still doesn't really feel real, being in college and having actual friends that care about me and living my life being a normal kid who hates homework and school.

"Guess who?!" I hear as hands close around my eyes and I feel panic rising in my throat. No. Not again. No. No. No. 


"Get out!" She shrieks, as she rakes her hands through her hair, her eyes wild and drunk. "Get out! Get out! Get out!" My mother yells at me before she presses me against the wall.

My heart is a wild animal in my chest and the tears wont stop, cascading down my red cheeks. My mother. She did this, and she'll do it again, and the worst part is I'll let her because every time I convince myself  that what she says is true. Just like this time.

Except now it's different, now she doesn't stop after the first few hits. She keeps going until I grip her wrists weakly, and shove her backwards. Dread settles in my stomach, I've never stood up to her. Ever. Before I can break down, or apologize or do anything stupid I sprint out the room and rush up the stairs. I have to get out of here—

I whip around and twist my attackers arms around and press my heel to their back as I push them onto the ground and flip them over. Oh gods.

"Holy crap Hales it just me!" Liam yells, his arms flying above his face to defend himself from whatever attack he thought was coming next. Liam is possibly my favourite person in the world, he's my brother, my best friend and a drunk 5 year old all rolled into one and I love him.

 I tell him everything, ever dirty shameful thought, every memory and fear and nightmare. But there's one thing he doesn't know, he doesn't know about my mother. He doesn't know about the woman I left behind when I escaped that house. And I don't intend for him to find out anytime soon.

"Shit! I'm so sorry Liam" I flinch and hold out a hand to help him off the grass. He grabs my hand and hoists himself up with a grunt.

"Im never hearing the end of this from you am I" He says dryly, except I realise he's not talking to me, he's looking somewhere over my shoulder and I whip around to find 5 other guys with shit eating grins on their faces. And all of them are staring at us. 

"Oh hell no, never gonna happen" one of them drawls. 

The first thing I notice is that they're all possibly the hottest guys to ever walk the planet and im not kidding, the second thing I notice is that they're all wearing identical jackets with UJ imprinted on them. It takes a minute for that to register and then it hits me with a sense of dread.

They're all part of the football team. Known for being the biggest assholes in the world, and the third thing I notice is that they're all starting at me with surprise on their faces.

The closest one to me holds out his hand and introduces himself 

"May I just say that was quite possibly the most impressive thing I've ever seen, you should consider the football team."  He jokes. 

"I'm Noah" He says and he waggles his brows as I take his hand and before I know what's happening he bends and takes my hand and kisses it. Holy shit what is my life.

I cant help but break out laughing, sure that that move must bring at least 90% of girls to their knees. I'm immune you see, Liam has tried it all and I've developed and anti virus.

'Hailey" I breathe between laughs "Nice to meet you Noah." As I look up to meet his face, he looks so confused I cant help but break out laughing again.

"That one usually works you know, it's quite effective" He drawls, giving me a mock offended glare. 

"Not on me it doesn't" I quip.

Liam introduces me to the others and I smile at all of them before I glance at the last unnamed guy, stood towards the sides, leaning on a tree trunk. 

"And that," Liam says as he grins "is the human-ish equivalent of an emotional black hole, Roman" Unlike the other guys, Roman doesn't say hi, or smile or do anything actually, he just looks at me and mock salutes me before going back to his thoughts. ok then

"We're going to Jack's, you wanna come?" Liam asks. Jacks is a diner on the other side of campus, except no one knows about how amazing it is but me, Liam and a few others. 

"Im good L, you have fun, I'm going home to watch gossip girl and eat lays" I grin and pat his cheek when he gives me a pout. Gods I love this guy. 

"Please please please please" He whines and he wraps an arm around my waist and side hugs me so I cant move. I explain my predicament to him again and again but he refuses to let it go, and he somehow manages to do it before I can run. Before I realise what's going on he grabs under my legs and back with both arms flips me up into his arms bridal style.

Authors note:

hey guys thanks so much for reading the first bit! I know it probably sucks so thank you for putting up with it

im not revealing a lot rn about the plot and ships and storyline because I want this to be a pretty long story over time so... wait and see

p.s. I know there's mentions of abuse in the story, so if its triggering or inaccurate in anyway just let me know and I will cut is asap but I did try and make it as representative as I could although experiences are different. 

thanks again guys! love,


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