movie night...

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The low whistle of the kettle overtakes the silence and I flinch, hoping I haven't woken the guys up, they seem like people that really need their beauty sleep. 

Suddenly the door swings open and the shadow of Roman steps out. The noise scares me and I twist and accidentaly hit my side into the countertop edge. Shit. I swear in pain and glance up to find the asshole is standing there shaking with laughter, and I have the sudden urge to punch him.

 I have a feeling he makes a lot of people feel like that. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I spit out, spinning back around to turn off the kettle. 

"Are you always this moody?" He says in a bored voice after he stops laughing.

"Are you always this much of a jerk?" 

"Yes." Seriously? Well points to the guy for being self aware I guess? 

"What are you doing up," He ask after a few seconds of silence, "Its like 3am." I hear him walk towards me and suddenly I'm hyperaware of his movements. I don't know why, but I am.

"My head was hurting, plus I'm like a world class insomniac" I joke darkly, I was diagnosed when I was 14. It's not as bad as it was for my dad, but it means I never get enough sleep no matter what I try. "Why are you up?" I ask, realising he has a football match tomorrow. Shouldn't he be sleeping?

"Same as you, I can never sleep before a match." That seems a little counterintuitive but anyway...I grab a mug from the shelves and pour the tea in silently before I feel a weird sense that sends my spine tingling. I turn to face Roman and realise he's been staring at me for the past few minutes, sending me blushing. Thank  god it's dark. 

"Do you want tea?" I ask quietly, trying to break the deafening silence and his heated glare. 

"Yes." He says curtly. Ok then. I pour out a mug for him and slide it across the counter and watch as he catches it gracefully. I beeline my way to the couch with my tea in my hand and I can sense Roman staring at my back, making me feel that awkward tingly feeling again. It's obvious neither of us is leaving, we may as well do something that doesn't require him to stare at me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask, glancing towards him through the low light of the lamp. I can just about make out his tousled black hair and lean, muscle figure. Ok I should not be noticing his fucking muscles?? I shut that train of thought down before I can spiral even further tonight.

"Fine." He answers. Hey its progress isn't it? I pick up the remote and flip through the different movies as I feel him walk towards the couch as set himself down, crossing his ankle on his knee. I spot Psycho on the screen and I stop scrolling, glancing towards Roman in question before I remember he probably cant see me. 

"What about Psycho?" I ask hopefully, I've always loved this movie even though every time I watch it I end up crying when she gets stabbed. I'm a weird person ok? Plus I love horror movies, they make me feel safe knowing I'm not in that persons shoes, which is possibly the most twisted thing ever but anyway...

"Yeah... no," He deadpans. Ugh fine, I'm too tired to argue with him. I flip through and spot another horror movie and he rejects that too. By the time I come to out 8th movie choice, he's rejected every single freaking one of them! Thats when I realise something... every movie I chose was a horror movie, maybe it's not the movie, maybe it's the genre? 

"I have a question for you, Roman." I whisper cautiously.

"Shoot" He says with a voice of indifference. 

"Are you... scared of horror movies?" I ask bewildered, a smile twinging at my lips. 

"Wh--no of course not, I just prefer not to have aheart attak every time I watch a movie." He's scared of horror movies...Holy crap

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