time of the month...

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Hey guys! so what do we think of Jameson so far? and the rest of the guys? theres about to be a lot more drama in the next chapters so please comment, vote and read on!

anyway thanks for reading!



Pain burrows its way through my body, a whirlwind of knifes in my stomach, leaving a familiar ache where it went. I groan as I twisted my body to reach for the side table by my bed and my hand feels around for the small white pack of medicine.

 I need painkillers.

 I flinch again as the left side of my stomach cramps and my mind stopped for just a second, giving in to the feeling before pulling me back out. And then I remembered something. Damn it. I had forgotten to buy any Panadol or pads since I had moved in, meaning that I was stuck in bed, with white sheets, and no painkillers. 

Just great...

If this had been last year I would have yelled for Eve or another one of my female roomates and I would not be having a mini heart attack right now, but instead, I'm stuck in a dorm with 5 guys who are possible the last people I want to know about my little situation. 

But right now, I would murder a dog if it meant that the pain went away, so my best option was Liam. 

Grabbing my phone from the side of the bed, I put the phone on speaker and put it back down on the bed. I cant believe I'm about to call Liam for this. Life really does hate me. 

"Hello?" Liams confused voice sounds through my room, "Hales why dont you just come outside?" Ok well then, now comes the uncomfortable part...

"I--um, I'm kind of-- its um, that time of the month," I trip over my words and flinch when I realise how awkward I sound. but I really dont care right now.

"Hales.." He interupts me as I'm about to continue and I interupt him back, knowing that I really cant take any more of this pain "I've run out of stuff... and I kind of cant get up to get them...so do you think you could?" I hid my face in my pillow as I wait for his response which comes almost immedietly. 

"Hales, you were-- kind of on speakerphone."He says hesitantly and the words register as horror washes over me.

"Hi Hailey" I let out a small yelp as my door swings open and James, Ian, Noah and Liam all stand there in varying stages of amusement at my embarassement, and concern. I narrow my eyes and focus my gaze at Liam.

"Youre a dead man walking Rodriguez" I threaten lowly and watch as a guilty look washes over his face. This is quite possibly the most embarassing experience of my life, and the only thing I can do is sit here and watch it happen as I try not to murder Liam. Actually no, scrath that, what happens next is the most embarassing experience of my life.

Suddenly, James makes his way over to the bed and bends down towards me and before I know it, he's carrying me off the bed.

"Put me down or youre a dead man too James!" I shriek as he starts to make his way towards the door when suddenly, I hear a yell from behind me and James turns us around to see Ian staring somewhere with a look of horror.

"Shit Hailey you're bleeding!" Ian says glancing towards the mattress. I catch his eyes before looking at the spot he's staring at. On my clean white sheets, right in the middle of the bed, is a deep red spot of blood. Heat creeps up my cheeks and I turn my gaze to the wall, still wholy aware of the attention on me and the blood. 

"Did you hurt yourself?" Ian asks, concerned, still looking at the spot of blood. 

Wait. What? Did Ian not know what a period was? Oh hell no, on top of having my period, I now have to explain it to a bunch of guys??

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