just trust me...

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As the ball lands in the net, scoring the winning goal, the crowd. goes. wild. My ears ring as they yell words of praise and the players on the field simply stand there, breathless, still in shock. They won. I scream at the top of my lungs with Eve standing next to me screaming even louder and I catch Ians eye from my front row seats, courtesy of Noah.

 I grin at him and yell congratulations across the feild, and even though he cant hear me he can make out what I'm saying as he mouths a thank you to me, before running to the rest of the team.

That was surprisingly fun. I mean I'm really hot, and hungry and thirsty but I cant shake the amazing feeling I get here, its new and exciting. I havent had new and exciting in a long time. After the crowds die down and players leave the feild after shaking hands with the other team, Eve grabs my arm and steers us through the crowds and chaos as we make our way to the back of the stadium.

"Where are we going?" I ask in confusion when I realise the exit is the other way.

"To the locker rooms dumbass, your roomates just won a match, you have to celebrate with them." Evelyn still hasnt gotten over the shock from when I told her I was living with the guys, she considers me lucky, but she's a transfer, she hasn't heard the worst of the rumors yet. It took me a long time to get comfortable around Liam after hearing all the shit people said about him and he's said to be the nicest of the group. So how bad are the others? 

I can just tell, living with these guys itsn't as great as Evelyn thinks its going to be, someone's going to get hurt, with these kinds of people, someone always does. I just have to make sure its not me. 

"God no Eve are you crazy?! They're probably changing in there!" I stare at her like she just slapped me, although the things she does, I give her that look a lot. She's never been afraid of what people thought, she's wild and crazy and a hurricane and she lets no one change that. It also means that she has batshit crazy ideas like this...

"We'll knock, genius" She states as if its the most obvious thing in the world. We round the corner and soon we're standing outside the boys locker rooms and Eve is knocking loudly on the door. After a few seconds the door swings open and James is standing there shirtless, staring at us, well not really us, more at Eve. 


"Well hello ladies," He tilts his head to the side and smiles warmly at us before opening the door wider, letting us in, "did you guys have fun?" All the others are standing there, either stretching or putting shirts on and for some reason none of them seem to be weirded out by the two random girls in the room.

"It was great, we just came to congratulate you guys on not sucking out there" Wha-- I startle and jab her in the side at her comment. James however, just chuckles before turning around to grab a shirt from the inside of what I assume to be his locker. 

"Wow high praise coming from you," He returns in mock surprise, "are you guys coming to the after party?" He asks as he turns back to face us again. There's an after party?

"That depends, is it one of those sad chaperoned parties with cranberry juice or is it an actual after party?" I ask jokingly, hoping its the later.

"Well I can promise there'll be no cranberry juice if that helps," Ian winks and says, stepping out of what looks like a shower pod, "its at my spare parents place, in an hour"  

"You know what, we'll be there, but there better be booze" Eve raises her eyebrows expectantly, a completely serious look on her face. Although I think she is serious so...

"We'll see you there Maddy" Noah says before he walks past me, ruffling my perfectly straightened hair. 

"Fuck you" I yell past me as I stick my middle finger in the air, hoping he can see me. Except I cant help the small smile that pushes against my lips, or the small laugh that escapes, or the small voice in the back of my head telling me maybe they arent so bad..

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