You Gotta Go

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 "Don't do this, Sawyer."

June's sitting on the edge of the bed in my hotel room while I get ready. Something about the situation makes my stomach twist on itself. Probably the way my mind keeps racing to an imaginary world where we do this every day. A world in which I allow myself to stay in Glassboro and we go out on dates and since she's June, she's always ready way earlier than I am. A world in which I give in and let myself fall in... I can't even think the word. I shake the thought off as I peek outside the bathroom.

"I think you're overreacting. I've been alone with Avery before. She seems harmless." I move back into the bathroom to finish doing my hair.

June meets me in the doorway. If it were anyone else, I'd feel trapped, suffocated with no way out besides the path she's blocking.

"Avery attacked me last week."

I'm leaning over the bathroom counter to get a closer look at myself in the mirror and make sure my makeup looks okay. "Avery said that wasn't her."

June doesn't respond.

I'm expecting her to look hurt when I look back at her but instead, she's looking at my ass, apparently not listening to me at all.

"Excuse me. My eyes are up here?"

June's cheeks go a deep shade of pink as a smile pulls at her lips. "Sorry, I uh—"

"Mhm," I tease. As much as I'd like to pretend I'm angry with June, her checking me out gives me an extra boost of confidence I need today. Confidence I need because even though I'm acting like I'm not nervous about going undercover in Cape May, I am.

Avery has a bad reputation and even though she didn't give me a reason to be afraid of her when I brought her back to my hotel room, I know she could have been hiding something to get in my pants.

"I have to go," I tell June with a sigh.

She turns so I can slide past her. "Sawyer, seriously. Let's talk about this."

I pause in the doorway. "We've talked about it. I've made my decision. Why don't you go hang out with Lindsay? I'm sure she's dying to see you again."

June frowns and rolls her eyes. "Call me when you get back in town?"

I flash a smile over my shoulder and leave June in the hotel room by herself. I'm not sure when it happened but she has a key to lock the door behind her.

It's one of those beautiful cloudless days Glassboro is known for. The roads are clear thanks to the snow plows that went through at 5am. The sun reflects off the piles of snow on the side of the winding highway all the way into the neighboring town.

The Cape May border is declared with a sign on the side of the highway. Complete with a howling wolf after the town name. A few feet ahead is a security booth with a skinny man in his fifties. His eyes are dazed as I pull up to the window.

"Hi. I'm visiting Avery." My chest clenches as I realize I don't know her last name but the town must be as small as Glassboro because the security guard waves me on without further question.

The drive to Avery's apartment is barely five minutes from the check in booth and I'm surprised by how upkept Cape May is. June must be getting in my head about them because I was expecting sketchy people, graffiti, and rundown buildings but Cape May is livelier than Glassboro if I'm being honest. Children wrapped in snow gear are sledding down a hill, some teenagers are having a snowball fight, and the coffee shop in town is bustling with adults buying lattes.

I pull into the mostly empty parking lot outside Avery's apartment complex. She's sitting in the back of her forest green SUV, the only other car parked in the lot. A smile spreads across her face when she sees me.

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