Chapter 3 - Questions

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Dawn crept up on Y/n, forcing her out of the warm safety of her covers. She streched, groaning before donning her running gear and slamming the door of 221 Baker Street after her.

She put on her headphones and started her circuit around the neighbourhood that, however, stretched a little bit beyond it's borders. Dogs and peoples passed by her, some of them smiling, others in their phones or scowling. She inhaled the fresh early morning air and continued running, increasing the speed. Blood pumping, heart thumping, mind racing, she completed her trail ten minutes quicker than the last time. Y/n finished her post-run stretches on the steps, unaware of the detective who had parted his curtains to observe her, curious. She was a fast runner, he thought, looking at her figure entering the building, followed by her soft footsteps on the stairs.

As soon as she unlocked the door to her flat, she tossed her stuff on the couch and hit the shower. The cold water ran across her sweaty skin, washing away the remnants of her morning workout. She lathered the soap and shampoo over her hair and body, enjoying the relaxing effect the water and products had on her. After spending so long in the shower that her fingers had pruned, Y/n turned the knobs and exited the crystal cabin, wrapping a towel around her. In her bedroom, she selected a nice but comfy outfit to wear, unsure of what she planned to do on her day off.

Y/n hummed softly as she now poured her morning coffee in a mug. The toast jumped out of the toaster and she added her favorite spread on top, with orange quarters on the side. She sat down comfortably on her couch, looking up at the glass ceiling. 221c was a bit particular as half of the living room ceiling was made of glass, allowing Y/n to spend hours watching the sky whether by day or by night. It was the largest flat by far, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room and dining room. This was a part of the life Y/n had built herself. She felt proud of it, so far of where she was. She hastily chased away those thoughts from her mind, not letting herself sink back into the pits of memories.

An unsure knock on the door startled her. Y/n stood up and placed her dishes on the coffee table to go and answer. Sherlock was standing in her doorway, hesitant.

"Good morning Miss Baxter." Sherlock said with his deep voice, carefully choosing each one of his words.

"Hey Sherlock! You can call me Y/n by the way, don't worry." Y/n greeted him warmly, concealing her initial surprise"Come in though!" she ushered him in and he hesitantly set one foot after another in her flat "Tea?"

"Yes please." he replied

Y/n went back to the kettle, letting it heat up for his tea. She picked up her own mug of coffee and gestured for him to settle in one of her armchairs.

"So. What's up?" she asked, smiling. The detective had by now found once more his confidence and cold facade.

"I had questions."

"Oh really? Well fire away Mr Holmes." she sipped a little more on her drink, definitely intrigued. His icy blue eyes met with her kind e/c ones.

"Well first off-" Sherlock was interruped by the loud bubbling and whistling of the kettle, announcing to the pair that the water was hot. Y/n stood up and fixed a cup of her favorite tea for Sherlock, nearly burning herself in the process. She brought it back to him, placing a coaster on the table before settling back down with a cushion.

"So first, I had made a few deductions on you, mind if I check they are correct, since we haven't been properly introduced."

"Go ahead."

"You're an athlete with a history of gymnastics. You have an irregular sleep schedule. British at least from the accent. Excellent shot, clearly practised and very cold blooded. So obviously you have a past in law enforcement and that kind of thing. No pets. You had smudges of ink and crayon on your wrist, so you sketch and draw a lot. The little dent on your index shows you're an avid flute player. Very tidy and organised person, with incredibly quick reflexes and even quicker mind and eyes."

SOCIOPATH'S ROMANCE // Sherlock Holmes x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz