Chapter 11 - Detective inspector

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The jade pin case had been solved around a week ago and the trio had gone back into their normal routines. Y/n was currently working through some files and reports in her office, eagerly waiting for her shift to end. She was bored to no ends; no new case had been offered neither to Sherlock nor to her. Their life was quite peaceful but in her mind, peaceful meant boring. 

Someone knocked thrice on her open door, "Sergeant?" 

He was a young police officer with short brown hair and a large constellation of freckles on his nose and cheeks. Like every time she saw him, he had that dreamy and soft air on his face, constantly making her wonder why he worked in the police. He came to join the police forces after having served one year in the army; however he hadn't liked it much and largely preferred Scotland Yard over soldier barracks. She remembered the day she had met him; as she was dashing through Scotland Yard to meet with Dimmock on some theft case, she bumped into him and would have dropped her reports in a tumble if he hadn't had lightning fast reflexes and caught them. Y/n might have said some things to him out of frustration that day but later came to his desk to apologise. Since then, he had been kind of her protegé and would often come to her for any type of advice. He had in some ways become the little brother she always needed by her side. Nowadays, no one in the force messed with him. Once, some of the rougher boys had played a horrible prank on him, with him being the newbie, and the next day were confronted by a furious Y/n. The day after that, termination papers were on their desks as well as a warning for Y/n. 

Y/n was simply the whirlwind of Scotland Yard.  

"Yes, what can I do for you Matthew?" Y/n asked with a smile, lifting her head from yet another testimony on her desk. 

"Detective Inspector Lestrade would like to see you in his office." 

"Thank the heavens!" exclaimed Y/n, grateful for any sort of distraction, "I'll be right there." 

She strode through the corridors very quickly, on the limit between running and walking. Here, just like in any school, running in the halls was not allowed. Even for Y/n, which annoyed her to no ends. 

She entered his office casually and brightly with an excited glimmer in her eyes, "Greg! How are you?" 

"I'm good, what about you though?" he responded, just a little concerned. After all, he had read the reports on the pin case and he couldn't possibly understand how Y/n was standing in front of him, smiling and working as if she hadn't nearly died three times in the interval of three to four days. She hadn't even taken a sick leave of any form or sort. 

"Bored." she answered simply, settling in one of the grey revolving armchairs in front of Greg's desk. 

"Just like Sherlock." Greg mumbled under his breath. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing." he smiled briefly and pulled out a thick brown paper folder crammed with pictures and papers. In neat black marker is written on the cover , 'Detective Inspector Dimmock -  Jade pin case.' "So Dimmock did his report and you're mentionned in it numerous times. There's the testimonies as well. We would like to commend you for your bravery, determination and great input during this case. This cannot go unacknowledged." 

"What can I say except you're welcome?"

"So, I've talked to people and we've decided to give you a promotion." Greg grinned

"Finally." Y/n sighed, peacefully. 


"I was carrying all of Scotland Yard so of course, finally." Y/n smirked, " I'm joking Greg, thank you so much." 

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