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Jenna smiled as she saw Y/n sleeping next to her, God she must've been so tired, she wasn't sad anymore, she was so happy everything was fixed, they talked for hours and hours, they even spoke with Markus and Aliyah who asked what had happened, they gladly told them the whole story, them feeling happy and relieved as well, Jenna stared at the girl next to her, she was worried about her, she even right now that she was sleeping, she could tell that she was so tired, she had a little bit of eye bags under her eyes, she wondered why was she so tired, was it the time zones? What was she doing back home?

Jenna wrapped her arms around her pulling her close as she shut her eyes feeling content and happy she could spend one more night with her.

Y/n was the first one to wake up, she smiled as she saw Jenna sleeping right next to her, she decided before she left she was going to make her and the twins breakfast, all of them eating that would be nice, She quickly unwrapped from Jenna's arms without waking her up, she stared at her for a few seconds, taking her phone snapping a pic really quick.

Y/n frowned, she made pancakes, but were they vegan?? She just remembered Jenna was vegan, are pancakes vegan?? She looked around the kitchen and found some fruit. Fruit is vegan, right? She nodded as she started to wash them happily, Markus and Aliyah were the first ones to wake up and get to the kitchen

"Dude i'm going to miss you so much" Markus said as she smiled softly at her, Aliyah nodded "Yeah like who's gonna make us breakfast?" Y/n laughed smiling, she loved them so much, they've been living together for so long

"Don't worry, it's not like i won't ever see you guys again" She said softly, was it a lie? She didn't know...

"We can come visit you!" Markus said happily "I'd love that, your always welcome at my home" Y/n said as she started to cut the fruit with a smile, she knew that wasn't a lie, they would always be welcomed

"But your coming back, i know it" Aliyah said smiling

"Y/n what the fuck?" Jenna said as she stormed in the kitchen, Everyone turned to look at her, Y/n frowned, sensing obviously she was mad? "Jenna?" She said softly still with a frown "What's wrong?" She asked as she stopped cutting the fruit

Jenna had woken up, happy of course, she did feel when Y/n had woken up and left the room, but she wanted to stay in bed a bit more

After an hour had passed, she grabbed her phone as per usual, checking her messages, she saw Gideon had texted her

Isn't this the girl you're dating?

"You tell me Princess " Jenna spat

Y/n's color drained from her face as she dropped the knife on the floor, feeling her body heat up


"You heard me Y/n or should i say the fucking future Queen of the UK" Jenna said with a bit of sarcasm as few tears left her eyes, Y/n froze like a dear with head light, Jenna scrolled through her phone as she read out loud 

" Queen Elizabeth II Reveals Surprise Heir, Bypassing Prince Charles in Line of Succession

In a stunning twist, Queen Elizabeth II has announced Y/n Elizabeth III as the future monarch, sidelining Prince Charles from the throne for reasons unknown. The revelation of another child born to the queen and King George has shocked the public and raised questions about the monarchy's direction. While some welcome the change, others speculate about the reasons behind bypassing Prince Charles, signaling a significant shift in the royal family's dynamics. As the world awaits further details, the unexpected ascension of Y/n Elizabeth III marks the beginning of a new era for the British monarchy. "  

Jenna read out loud as she chuckled, she hated being lied to 

Y/n stared at her as tears started to form, she felt her world falling apart, she looked at Markus and Aliyah who had a shocked look as well, but they didn't say anything 

"Jenna...i can-" 

"No! jesus fuck Y/n how could you hide this from me? this isn't something you hide!! What else are you hiding? I feel so stupid, i admired you so fucking much because your the most real person i've ever know but thats a lie, your a lie, you've lied to me this whole time

Who Are You ?

Who are you really? " Jenna said as it was getting hard to breath

Y/n's world was coming down, she thought she could hide this for a bit longer, but she couldn't

Markus and Aliyah quickly stood up as they walked to their rooms giving them privacy, Y/n tried to say something but no words came out, Jenna could only stare at her

"Jenna, who told you? ... i...i couldn't tell you...not ye- "

"When the fuck where you thinking about telling me? It doesn't matter who told me "

Y/n choked out a sob as she walked to Jenna trying to get close to her, for her only to take a step back, Y/n frowned at this, was it so bad? Was this really that bad...?

"Soon...i..i literally couldn't tel-"

"I don't wanna hear it right now Y/n, all the things you said were lies! Did you even love me? Or was that fake too? Please leave right now" Jenna cried out, Y/n shook her head quickly

"N..no please hear me out Your type of mind, so hard to find, Native of mine, you're just my kind, Down on my knees, I'll always follow anywhere my love, You're hurting i know, without you i'll have such a lonely heart I promise you, until the end of time"

She tried to reach out, her hand was shaky as she tried to catch her breath, But Jenna shook her head

" Can I have a second chance? Can I have another dance? Can I start another life with you?" Y/n pleaded feeling desperate as she could barely breathe

"No Y/n, please leave right now , You lied to me and i hate being lied to" Jenna furiously wiped her eyes but the tears kept coming

"What...? You want me to...leave?" 

Jenna nodded, shutting her eyes "Yes... "

"I..if i leave i won't be able to c..come back s..soon" Y/n said, Jenna nodded

"I think that's for the best right now my queen" She chuckled shaking her head


"Leave please"

Y/n sobbed in pain as she looked around, not expecting this at all, if that's what she wanted...

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me...I told you..I told you that something was about to happen...you promised that you wouldn't give up on me that you weren't going to leave me... you promised!!!" Y/n said as she raised her voice a bit trying not to choke on her tears

Jenna shut her eyes as she looked away as well

Your precious heart
Can't watch it break...So I close my eyes
While you walk away

"I guess that makes you a liar too... I love you Jenna i hope you can forgive me for this some day...or at least let me explain... i love you " She said as her voice cracked, shutting the door behind her as she left  

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