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"Hi" Y/n said as she quickly stood up from her bed, Jenna had answered the phone


"You answered.. "

"I did, was I not supposed to?"

Y/n let out a laugh, Music to Jenna's ear

"I don't know...h..how are you? " Y/n asked softly, Jenna shut her eyes imaging her face right now

"I've been...honestly, like stand by, i'm here but not here you know? "

Y/n hummed in agreement

"I do understand, perfectly actually"

Jenna still not being used to Y/n speaking in her actual accent, she found it a bit weird, she was actually mad at Y/n for doing that, faking her accent

"How have you been?" Jenna asked softly, she could hear Y/n take a deep breath, feeling her tiredness

"I've been so busy..doing this, doing that, meeting people, every single day...Jenna, i'll be honest with you, taking advantage of the fact that we're finally talking..."

Y/n cleared her throat, as Jenna sat up quickly putting her headphones on so she couldn't miss a thing about Y/n was about to say 

"Jenna, i miss you so much, like you have no idea how much i miss, i'm literally going insane " She chuckled making Jenna smile as she shook her head "I miss you a lot more than i realized, when things happen and i can't run to tell you, it's been bloody hell, loving you in my sleep and waking up alone...that i should've hugged you longer the last time we saw each other, that i should've hugged you goodbye...god i regret doing so many things"

Y/n let out a cry

"I'm so sorry I kept this from you Jenna...i literally couldn't tell you... i'm so sorry for putting you through this, this could've been avoided, i love you so much my girl with pretty brown eyes"

Jenna stared at the floor, it was blurry, her eyes were drowning, she shut her eyes letting the tears fall down, her heart was feeling tight, her chest as well, it broke her hearing Y/n in such a vulnerable state , she had never heard her like this before and it was something so new

"I miss you too... So much so, I've been sleeping in your room ever since, well sometimes at my parents house...but it's usually in your room... I wake up every morning Y/n, you're everywhere but not here with me and all i do is dream about you even when i'm awake, it's so strange... i've been going every day to the park in hopes of you coming out of nowhere even tho i know your so far away...." Jenna sniffled as she clutched Y/n's pillow against her chest as she took a breath

" You actually did nothing wrong... I'm sorry I didn't let you explain...I guess I wasn't ready? I don't even know why I reacted that way... I feel so ashamed...I love you..."

She could hear Y/n crying in the other end, blowing her nose

"I wasn't supposed to be born..."

Jenna frowned hearing this


"I'm explaining everything , you deserve to know

  I wasn't supposed to be born Jenna...i'm a back up plan, Charles was supposed to be king, but since the Diana situation...my mother decided that he would never be fit enough and that the people would hate him and they actually kinda do hate him, so when she was young and my father, they had her egg and his sperm frozen, just incase a new member had to be born...my other siblings couldn't take the throne because they never prepared for it...like charles did, so i've been raised literally to lead a country, i was kept hidden that i honestly don't know why...but i asked my mother for one thing, we had a deal"

Jenna frowned through everything she was hearing...all she could think about how awful it sounded

"I wanted to live a normal life for a few years... I was so tired, I didn't know how to feel,I often found myself questioning what was made for? I was an ideal, looked so alive, turns out I'm not real... i was molded, i've always been molded since the second i was born...i think I forgot how to be happy, but was i ever really happy...? Something I'm not, but something I can be Something I wait for...

We agreed that when she wanted, i'd take the throne, and she agreed, we had a signed contract and everything, but i couldn't tell anyone who i was because of safety issues, the classes I took were special because it taught me about economics, socials, everything to help me lead that's why i couldn't skip them so easily....and then...you came along"

Y/n said smiling, Jenna could hear the smile making her smile

"When we met...i actually told you my real last name"

"Windsor...." Jenna whispered.... "Because I thought you should've known who I was ...and...you said your last name because I should've known who you were...or your last name.."

It hit Jenna...Y/n was actually always real with her


"Thanks...for explaining everything...i'm starting to thank charles for...cheating "

Y/n giggled hearing this "why?"

"Because thanks to that you were born "

Y/n stood silent

"Jenna...we have to have a serious talk...but i'd like it if we were face to face, i can fly you out, you can bring your family, their always welcomed "

"I'd love too Y/n"  Jenna could only remember what Y/n's mom had told her...could she leave her career behind...? 

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