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It had been two weeks since Jenna and Y/n had contact, thinkin it would be for the best to have no contact to think about everything, Y/n had proposed that option since she understood everything was too much for Jenna to handle, plus her vacations were almost done, she wanted Jenna to spend time with her family, enjoy the small limited time she had with them

Jenna had thought

Just wanna let this story die
And I'll be alright

But she couldn't, it haunted her, she thought about it all day every day, thinking on what she should do, she had even asked her parents for advice, and they both said go with what feels right, what makes you happy

And God she was so happy with Y/n, but would it be the same?

She would walk to the park everyday, to their spot, would they ever be there again? Both of them?

It's something like a daydream
But I feel so seen in the night
So for now, it's only me

Jenna groaned as she covered her hands with her face, why did this feel so complicated when it wasn't? Why did it feel that way? She didn't understand...was she making a huge deal out of this?

"So Jenna, what's it like being back in Romania? " The paparazzi asked as they flashed their cameras at her, Jenna smiled softly at them "It's great! Can't wait to catch up with everyone" 

Her vacation was over, Season two of Wednesday was about to start...and she hadn't spoken with Y/n ever since nor did Y/n try to contact her...and that made her sad. If Y/n saw that she didn't reach out, why didn't she do it? Was she waiting on her to reach out?

Jenna stared at the apartment room, it was the same she had stayed last time, it was a bit weird being here
She flipped the lights on feeling very overwhelmed, feeling that knot in her throat as she gasped for air

There's no park here, there's no family here, there's no Y/n here...no memories of them

Everywhere I go leads me back to you

At least she was four hours away by plane from her....

A couple of days and everything was a bit better, she was getting in to her routine, she had caught up with everyone, she was feeling like shit when she was alone, but when she was around people it was alright

"So you guys weren't really dating? I actually thought it was real" Hunter said looking at Jenna with wide eyes, who nodded in return "I know, i was freaking out when i saw it but it's my fault for not making things clear" She remembered how Y/n had found out, it flashed in her mind the imagine of Y/n asking who was Gideon

"I mean yeah she should've been like 'Hey what do we do about this? Are we on the same page?" Emma said with a frown "But everyone makes mistakes, it died down didn't it? " She asked her friend, Jenna nodded as she put her script on the table next to them "It did, not quick but it did, i just hope that if we work in future projects it won't be weird"

"Jenna, a moment" Tim popped out, with a serious tone, Jenna nodded as she followed in quickly, She waited for him to say something but he never did, she was starting to feel worried that maybe something bad had happened, they made their way to her trailer

"Please go inside " He said giving her a soft smile "There's someone who wants to see you" He then left quickly, his smile never leaving him, Jenna frowned at this as she slowly opened the door walking in 

She shut it behind her, looking around, her eyes widen as she froze


Jenna swallowed the lump in her throat, she physically couldn't move, Y/n noticed this right away

"Now before you say ' Are you like stalking me? How did you find me?' " Jenna giggled at this as her eyes watered a bit

"I asked Markus and Aliyah where you were, I honestly don't know why I didn't ask you personally now that i think about it..." Y/n said with a frown which made Jenna's stomach fill with butterflies, she cleared her throat

"But..i just ... .i missed you so much i was going mad without you...i thought that maybe you wanted to just be friends...? But We can't be friends ... .But I'd like to just pretend and it just...no...I can't be your friend Jenna, i can't be without you i honestly love you with all my heart and...i'll understand if you've changed your mind....if you don't like me anymore...i'll Wait until you like me again , Wait for your love.....Love, I'll wait for your love"

i'm letting you decided what's next , Happy or sad?  

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