Chapter 50: Getting New Jutsus From Jiraiya

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"Check is Thirty thousand ryo, plaese come back again~"

Two days later, in front of the barbecue restaurant in Konoha, Jiraiya, wallet in hand, froze mid-smile. A sudden realization hit him – something was amiss.

This time, the mission had only yielded him twenty thousand ryo as his share. Treating these two mischievous brats to barbecue unexpectedly cost him thirty thousand ryo. It looked like he was in the red?!

However, in the blink of an eye, Jiraiya caught the gazes of Tatsuma and Minato, tinged with approval and admiration. Instantly, Jiraiya's heart ceased its momentary ache.

If he lost some money, so be it. Besides, Tsunade couldn't borrow money from him recently, and his savings were quite substantial!

"Jiraiya sensei, what should we do next? Continue with missions, or..."

Tatsuma looked at the distracted Jiraiya and timely reminded him. Jiraiya slapped his forehead, snapped back to his senses, and said, "We still need to continue with the missions, but they won't be C-rank from now on."

At this, Tatsuma pursed his lips and glanced at Minato, saying, "Jiraiya sensei, do you think Minato and I are now capable of handling B-rank missions?"

"Who said anything about B-rank missions? The next tasks for you are D-rank missions. Accumulate enough tasks for your future chunin promotion, and meanwhile, you will follow me for training."

Jiraiya shook his head, a subtle smile playing on his face. There was a time, just after graduation, when he aspired to tackle high-difficulty missions every day. However, after years of handling A-rank and S-rank missions, he found himself reminiscing about the simplicity of D-rank missions.

Tatsuma and Minato's eyes lit up at the mention of training, especially Tatsuma. Over the past week, due to mission constraints, he had hardly had a chance to team up with Minato. His progress had fallen behind.

Now, upon learning that Jiraiya would guide them through both D-rank missions and training, Tatsuma sensed the opportune moment to leverage Minato's skills once again.

Earlier, Jiraiya had mentioned their team as a temporary arrangement. Either Tatsuma or Minato were destined to join Tsunade's team eventually, akin to selling piglets. This implied that Tatsuma would eventually lose Minato as a valuable resource. While he still had the chance, Tatsuma planned to make the most of it.

"Alright, tonight, you guys go back and rest. Your clothes haven't been washed for over a week. Despite the early spring and being kids, your clothes are all stinky now. I'll notify you tomorrow."

Seeing the enthusiastic demeanor of the two, Jiraiya quickly waved his hand. He understood the diligence of these two brats but had no intention of spending the late evening entertaining them.

After that, Jiraiya vanished without a trace. Tatsuma admired his Body Flicker technique. He then turned to Minato and remarked, "Just had barbecue, and I don't feel like resting so soon. What about you?"

"You won't let me rest anyway, right? What's the training plan for tonight?"

In response to Minato's question, Tatsuma flashed a contagious smile and suggested, "Genjutsu, perhaps. I'm not as skilled in Genjutsu as you are. How about we compete to see how many times we can trap each other in illusions before exhausting our Chakra?"

"Sure, let's go."

The next morning, nearing noon, Tatsuma stirred awake. After expending a substantial amount of chakra and stamina the previous night, he found himself unusually having slept a full eight hours.

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