chapter 22

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Chloe and Aubrey were waiting outside Beca's hospital room. The doctor had wanted to check over Beca to make sure that she hadn't done any more damage to herself. But that had been over an hour ago. Dread had begun to settle over the redhead. She cursed herself. She shouldn't have taken Beca to get some food. She should have brought her straight back here. But then, she might not have remembered some of what she had.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Aubrey's voice brought her out of her trance.


"Something happened. And you've got some colour back in your face so...?"

Chloe sighed. Of everyone it would be Aubrey who could read her. "I, I took her to lunch." She really didn't want to tell Aubrey any of this, and judging by the blonde's expression, she wasn't too happy about it either.

"You did what? Chloe we were all searching for her and you were out having lunch with her?" Aubrey's voice rose slightly, but she didn't want to make a scene so she reined it in slightly.

"I know, ok! I went around campus and everywhere that I could think of before I drove to the forest. I don't know. I just had to get away. Think a bit. But she was there. It made me think that she might have remembered something. But she didn't. She didn't want any help from anyone. She was so angry about being left alone here. We thought that she was getting loads of visitors but there was no one. Not even her parents. So she ran. I wanted to bring her back but she insisted that we get some food. Both of us." A look of understanding crossed Aubrey's face. She hated it when Chloe stopped eating. It seemed like Beca could help her. "So I agreed. She wanted answers to questions. She wanted to know who she was. And then in the car she remembered the accident. I really think that she can be brought back, but we have to help her. She even remembered 'Titanium' was my ladyjam and then sang it. She missed a bit out, but she remembered."

Aubrey was shocked. She hadn't thought that so much had gone on for the redhead. Plus she could never stay angry at Chloe. Nobody could. "She remembered the accident? And why did she know 'Titanium' was your ladyjam? Not even I knew that. You always listen to it..." Aubrey's eyes widened in horror and Chloe blushed. "Gross."

Chloe wanted to change the subject desperately. "She said she remembered the truck coming towards her. She said she didn't do anything. I think she blames herself."

"What? That's stupid. She would have been in a state of fear. Her brain would have thought out what was about to happen and her body would have paralysed itself. She shouldn't blame herself for that." Upon seeing Chloe's shocked and impressed face she added. "Psychology in Freshman year. I read a case study on it."

"I still think you would have made a great doctor." Aubrey smiled at her. "She also still feels connected to music. I don't really understand, but she said that she can feel it. See it even."

Aubrey frowned. There were cases of this. Some historians argued that Mozart had been able to feel and see the music in everything. Aubrey hated to admit it, but maybe Beca was a lot more talented than she gave her credit for. "What else?"

Chloe thought for a second. Since Beca had remembered some of the lines to 'Titanium' and then had said her name so familiarly, Chloe's mind had been in overdrive. When Beca had said that, she had turned to Chloe and Chloe had seen the recognition in her eyes before it had disappeared again and Beca asked if it was ok to just come straight here. Chloe had texted Aubrey immediately to tell her that she had Beca and they were heading straight to the hospital and if it was alright for her to let the others know. Aubrey's response was immediate.

"I think that's it. She was really sweet. She made me eat and then made sure that I was ok in this whole thing."

Aubrey felt a slight twinge of jealousy. She couldn't get Chloe to eat, but an amnesiac Beca could. She shook those thoughts from her head and grabbed the redhead's hand. "It'll be ok, Chlo, I promise." Chloe looked at her best-friend and was, not for the first time, truly thankful that they were friends.

The door to Beca's room opened and the doctor stepped through and closed the door quietly behind him. He looked up at the blonde and the redhead who were approaching him with worried expressions on their faces. "She's sleeping now." He informed them, watching as they relaxed. "I was wondering if I could have a word with you both briefly." He motioned to the chairs and the three of them sat down. "Beca was telling me how she remembered some things, most notably, her accident. This is extraordinary. People in her position usually never recover their memories after such a serious accident, and yet, here she is, barely a week after waking from a coma, remembering her past. I have never seen the likes of it before." He looked at the smiling, hopeful faces of the two girls before him, hating what he had to say next. "Which is why I am worried. This has never happened. I am worried that the return of her memories could bring about some severe mental issues, maybe a stroke, if she's lucky."

Silence. Chloe couldn't comprehend what this doctor was saying. Why would Beca's memories cause her harm? She asked.

"It's possible the rush of her memories returning could put too much pressure on her mind. For someone like you or me, we could deal with it, but she is too weak, both mentally and physically. I don't think that she could deal with it." The doctor said, apologetically.

Finally, Aubrey spoke. "You said she could suffer from a stroke if she was lucky. What if she was unlucky?"

The doctor hesitated. "Worst case scenario? Beca could die."

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