chapter 29

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The first thing that she was aware of was the ache in her chest. This pain was new and made breathing laboured and tired her out quickly. She could see the harsh lights through her eyelids and she didn't want to open them just yet.

She tried to raise her arms to cover her eyes, but she couldn't. A surge of panic overtook her as she feared that she might be paralysed. She tried to remember what had happened but it was all so hazy. She knew she was in hospital. She felt like she wasn't alone. Like there had always been someone with her.

Blue eyes and red hair flashed in her mind and it came to her like a wave crashing upon the sand. Chloe. She gasped and her eyes sprung open and she had to blink a while before her eyes adjusted to the light. She was alone in the room. She tried to sit up but the pain in her chest restrained her. She concentrated on moving her good arm. Slowly, and painfully she forced it into action. She had no idea what was happening to her body and that scared her.

Luckily, a nurse walked past and saw her struggling and hurried in whilst calling for the doctor. The nurse attempted to calm her as she was becoming increasingly anxious at her state.

"Beca, I'm going to need you to remain calm. You don't want to worsen your condition." Beca stilled. The nurse was right, she couldn't afford to make herself worse. She opened her mouth to question the nurse just as the doctor walked in.

"Ah Miss Mitchell, it's good to see you awake." Beca looked at the man that had just walked in. Of all things, she wouldn't have pegged him as a doctor. She wouldn't have been surprised if he had said that he was an Abercrombie and Fitch model. He picked up her charts and scanned through them. "It seems like you've been giving us a run for your money. I have to say, I have never even read of a case as extraordinary as yours." Beca wasn't sure how to respond to that. Should she say thanks? She opted to stay silent. The doctor just laughed to himself. He was silent as he checked her pulse. "You might be feeling a bit sore in the chest." Beca nodded. "That's from the defibrillator. It appears that our fears were correct that when your memories return, your mind was overwhelmed and shut your body down completely, effectively killing you. But we managed to bring you back."

Beca nodded. She was silent as she tried to process this information. She had died. Again. The doctor then ran through some tests, helping Beca regain some control of her body. He left shortly afterwards, claiming that Beca needed to rest after the information that she had been given and needed to rest her body after all that it had been through.

But rest was the last thing on Beca's mind. Unsurprisingly, she was thinking about Chloe. Where was she? Beca tried to ignore the sinking feeling that the gorgeous redhead wasn't there when she woke again. Beca hoped that she was alright.


Beca's eyes snapped open when there was a knock at the door. It had been almost a day since she had woken and she had regained full use of her arms, despite one still being broken. Beca looked to see who her visitor was and was surprised to see Aubrey standing there uncertainly. Yes, Beca had her memories back, but she still remembered every moment of her amnesia. She remembered how kind Aubrey had been and Beca still felt that sadness within her.

"Beca..." Aubrey seemed at a loss for words; something that, if it had happened before the accident, Beca would have found hilarious.

"Aubrey, hey."

"Is it true? Have you remembered everything?" Beca saw the question behind the question: do you still hate me?

"Yep. And I wanted to say congratulations for getting into the ICCA finals." Aubrey opened her mouth to speak, but Beca beat her to it. "Also, I want to apologise. What I did was a dick move and I shouldn't have changed the set without telling you first."

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