chapter 35

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Aubrey clapped her hands twice and the Bellas fell silent. They were all excited to be there again. For the first time, they were starting on the new choreography after having spent the past two months learning their different parts for the new set. The girls were thrilled that Aubrey had finally abandoned the old set but everyone there wished that Beca was there too.

"Right Bellas, let's start with the beginning. We have another month and a half to get this choreography down."

The girls all nodded and Chloe couldn't help looking around for Beca. She still expected to see the short brunette and each time that she remembered that Beca wasn't going to be there, it was like a stab in the heart. A reminder of everything. Beca had been making good improvement at hospital, but she knew that Beca wouldn't be getting out of there any time soon.

She was brought out of her thoughts by Aubrey's voice telling the Bellas the beginning of the routine. They had recorded the set so that they could learn the choreography with it, and then work on singing whilst dancing after they had memorised the moves.

Aubrey and Chloe had both worked together to create a routine that worked well with Beca's set. The small brunette had included some more songs than when Aubrey had first heard it, mainly ones from the groups little hospital mashup. Both captains realised how much work they had to do and jumped right in with teaching the moves to the rest of the Bellas.


Beca couldn't believe it. She had made it. For the past two months she had been relentlessly trying her most to improve her health. She hadn't told Chloe how much she was pushing herself because she wanted it to be a surprise. A thank-you to the girl who hadn't left her side and who had inspired her to get better.

The past two months had been arduous, but amazing. Chloe made her feel so special and she tried to make Chloe feel like the person she saw her as. Beca had been making mixes so frequently the past two months. Mixes for Chloe. If she heard a song that made her think of the bubbly redhead, then she would put it into a mix.

Beca honestly couldn't believe how much of a softie she was around and for Chloe. She would do anything for her. She loved her. And Chloe loved her back. Beca still couldn't believe it.

She looked at the familiar set of doors before her. She couldn't believe that she was here. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she was here, and in a way, it was. She looked over at Ann who had volunteered to go with her to keep an eye on the small brunette.

Beca took a deep breath and opened the door. She and Ann quietly entered the auditorium, wanting to surprise the others. It had taken Beca a month to be able to regain her ability to walk and another month to be able to walk as normally as possible. And all her effort had paid off. She was about to surprise the Bellas. Not even Chloe knew that she could walk yet. Her lungs had strengthened as well. The doctors were astounded at how she was improving. Her ribcage was healing so theoretically she was getting better. Some days were worse than others, but she was getting used to having good and bad days. At least now she could sing without as much pain as before. Not to mention, make-out sessions with Chloe did help strengthen her lungs.

The two approached the performance area and saw the Bellas busy performing the dance to a recording of the set that Beca had prepared. She slipped into one of the side seats and watched for a bit. She liked the moves that Aubrey and Chloe had come up with to match the set.

After about half an hour, Aubrey called for a break and the girls happily went to their water bottles and seats. Ann nudged her gently.

"Now would be a good time to make your appearance." Beca looked at her and nodded. "You going to be alright to do it alone?"

Beca smiled widely and nodded. She had been preparing for this for months and nothing was going to stop her.

She got up and approached the Bellas. Still so far no one had noticed her appearance.

Aubrey was speaking, "- and in about a week we should try to have the routine memorised so that we can get it as perfect as possible. What do you think of the routine so far?" she asked the group.

"It's good." Beca's voice rang out strongly in the auditorium.

The Bellas all turned to her so quickly that Beca didn't know how they didn't get whiplash. She was amused that the only expression that she saw was shock. The exact same look on every face made her smirk in amusement.

"Beca?" Chloe's quiet voice broke the silence.

Beca looked at the girl who had stolen her heart. Beca would never forget that face as long as she lived. Chloe was looking at her in amazement, shock and love. Beca's smirk turned into a full blown smile at her reaction. It was so much better than she could have ever hoped for. She took the slow steps towards the redhead, limping ever so slightly. Finally she reached Chloe who still hadn't moved. Nobody had moved.

"Surprise." She said softly, but loud enough for the other Bellas to hear as well. Beca watched as realisation dawned in Chloe's eyes and tears glossed over her eyes.

It took a moment for Chloe to react. She threw her arms around Beca's neck and kissed her deeply, not caring about the other girls around her. She couldn't believe that Beca was here. That Beca had made such an effort to be here for her. She poured all of her love into that kiss.

A cough sounded behind them. "I hate to break this up, but this is a break and Chloe, you're going to need your breath for the next part." Aubrey's tone was almost as if she was trying to sound annoyed, but her actual happiness was shining through. Beca pulled away and laughed against Chloe's lips. Honestly, she had missed these girls.

She turned back to face the rest of the girls, not oblivious to Chloe's amazed, wide eyes never leaving her face. She slipped her hand into Chloe's and faced the other girls. All at once everyone began talking, either at her, or to one another, but she was happy to be back with these girls who she, against her will, loved.

Aubrey's voice cut through the others.

"Beca? I can honestly say that we weren't expecting you."

Beca smirked at the blonde, causing her to smile. She had forgotten how much she missed Beca.

"Like I could leave you awesome nerds to do this alone."

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