chapter 25

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Beca was going crazy.

Chloe had gone to get her nodes removed a day and a half ago. It was a day and a half since she had last seen her. Last seen those hypnotising blue eyes and fiery red hair. She didn't even know if the procedure had gone well or not. Beca had spent the past day looking up what the removal of vocal nodules entailed. Chloe wouldn't be able to speak for a few days but hopefully she would be able to sing again.

Beca had been staring at the chair that had become Chloe's chair. She barely blinked, hoping that Chloe would just reappear. She hadn't realised how dependent she was now on the redhead. Since waking up, Chloe had become her rock. She was the one who helped Beca remember. She was the one who had practically moved in to the hospital to be with her.

Beca sighed for what she was sure must have been the hundredth time that day. She had done everything that she could think of to bide her time. She had listened to all her mixes on her laptop many times over. She had had her dressings changed. She had even eaten the crappy excuse that the hospital called food. And yet, she still felt empty. Without the bubbly redhead by her side, she was alone. She finally decided that enough was enough.

Luckily for her, there was really only one major hospital by Barden so Chloe had had her procedure here too. Beca pressed the button on her bed, alerting the nurses. Almost immediately a nurse hurried in.

"Are you alright, Beca?" It was Beca's favourite nurse, Ann.

"Yes, uh, I was wondering if I could go and visit a friend..." Ann looked at her sceptically. She was only too aware of Beca's history of escaping the hospital. "Chloe. She, uh, had her nodes out and I wanted to go and see her."

Ann looked at her. It was usually against regulations for one patient to go and see another. But Beca had always been different. It had been amazing seeing the positive effect that the other girl was having on Beca's recovery. There was no doubt that Beca could very well be in danger if her memories returned in a rush, but this Chloe girl seemed to keep Beca grounded and helped the memories return slowly.

Ann sighed. "Do you know what ward she is in?"

Beca's excitement was short lived. She had no idea where Chloe was. She shook her head, eyes downcast. Ann sighed again. "If I happen to come across it, then I'll let you know. But this" she gestured between the two of them "never happened." She turned and left Beca staring confused.

What had she meant? They had just been talking. And why would she come across where Chloe was? She would be in another part of the hospital.

Realisation washed over Beca. She felt like such an idiot for not getting it sooner. Ann was going to find where Chloe was. It would be breaking all the rules entirely and she could get fired for doing this. Beca had never been more grateful to the nurse. Her face broke out into a large grin. She couldn't help it. She was happy. The first time since Chloe had left.


It didn't take Ann long to find where Chloe Beale was. If she was having a procedure to do with her vocals then she would be in the King Ward. From then on, it was only a case of narrowing it down.


Beca looked up when Ann wheeled a wheelchair into her room.

"You don't expect me to allow you to go wandering the hospital alone now?" Beca's face broke out into a grin as she gingerly moved from the bed to the chair. Her chest still pained her from time to time and her leg was becoming a dull ache but that still meant that she moved slowly.

When she had settled into the chair, Ann began pushing her towards her destination.

"Thank you for doing this Ann." Beca said.

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