Chapter Three

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Now, 2078

I wasn't entirely sure how to keep my reactions contained. The greenery whizzed past in a flurry of forestry—trees, bushes of Rosaceae. I was intrigued by it all, finding it incredibly exciting. I wished I could extend my hand out of the window and touch them, to feel their texture. I wondered what they would feel like. While the Network provided me with a true-to-life sense, I knew it wasn't the same as actually physically touching it. I longed to experience the sensation firsthand.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I ran my fingers against the seating of the car. It was made of synthetic fabric, offering a soft stroke that felt bumpy against my smooth silicone skin. I applied a little pressure, and the sensation became uncomfortable. Friction. I continued to brush my fingers harder against the fabric, feeling its rough, coarse, and harsh texture. It served as a reminder that I could feel, that I was alive. Yet, I couldn't shake the reminder that I was synthetic.

"We're just about to enter Mesdan City," Saul announced with an air of happiness. It was evident that he admired the city. I couldn't understand how anyone could find joy in a city compared to the vibrant forest. The forest was natural, bright, and inviting, while the city appeared as a picture of grey clouds and concrete blocks. The contrast became even more pronounced as the trees gradually gave way to open fields. What lay before us was an uninviting sight—a towering wall getting larger as we headed towards its dark opening. A tunnel. I immediately developed a dislike for it; even the name felt damp and drab. I didn't want to call it a tunnel; it was a black hole of gloom. Creative. I could be creative? That is a good thing.

Suddenly, anxiety started to build up within me. My first truly 'creative' thought was in response to the negative effect the tunnel had on me. Panic began to rise, and a pressure in my head threatened to crack at the corner of my eyes, the opening of my synthetic mouth, and the base of my metal skull. The light behind my eyes grew searing, and my facial motors twitched frantically. I told myself to calm down. Then, the world around me changed as if an iridescent filter had been applied. The shiny image of the hideous wall seemed to protrude with a powerful thud, as if something immense behind it was forcing its way out. It didn't feel right... it didn't feel real. Logical outcomes, the Network reasoned—it is becoming active, and your nerves are affecting it. I needed to let it play out.

The wall thudded again, and I squirmed with discomfort. Saul, Reggie, and her partner looked on as if nothing unusual was happening. How did they not see this!? I answered my own question in my head before the Network could. This was my imagination kicking in. Let it play out. The wall took one final thud, cracking all around its perimeter, before breaking open in a deafening crash. Debris flew, and a bright white cloud filled the air as the wall shattered into pieces. Then, there was a distortion, and the picture scratched like a buffering video. A boulder flew towards the car, and I instinctively shut my eyes tightly. After a few moments, I cautiously opened them, greeted by a faint orange hue flowing in short bursts. As I looked around, I realised the tunnel lights were passing in an organised, programmed, and unified fashion, as if they were moving instead of us.

"You okay?" Saul asked, pointing his head down, and I noticed that my hand was gripping his.

"The boulder..." I began to explain, but Saul seemed confused. "Boulder? What do you mean?" His brow furrowed.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. It must have been nothing," I reassured him, while internally performing a debugging scan across my systems. SSD Spherical core... one hundred percent. Neural Central Processing... one hundred percent. Neural Nervous Network... one hundred percent...You are fine. This is normal. Was this normal? It felt so real. You are fine. It's just kicking in, creating scenarios. It wasn't a real one.

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