Chapter Sixteen

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Now, 2078

"We need to show them we don't take lightly to traitors." As I added my input to the plan of action, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The recorded video had been disseminated, causing a flurry of messages to ripple through the Network. Warnings were being issued in every direction, and I couldn't help but revel in the chaos. My relationship with such disorder was strange; I understood its purpose and where it would ultimately lead. The whole sequence played out vividly in my mind, and my attack would serve as a catalyst, creating a gaping crater in their collective consciousness and plunging them into panic. It would be an assault that reverberated for miles, causing Android after Android to fall in line while leaving the Humans lifeless. No, not all Humans, those that follow my lead will have a place. My lead. hm.

"I want a statement," I continued, my voice filled with conviction. "We will publicly display the captured humans and the Android traitor. Nail them to crucifixes and parade them through the square, showcasing our power to all." Kelvin's face lit up with excitement and fervour, mirroring my own anticipation. While I appreciated his enthusiasm, he also infuriated me. He once served his purpose; he would have to be eliminated. He pisses me off.

"What is the purpose of it?" Gail asks. I despise her insolence, and every time she opens her mouth, it leaves a bitter taste in my mind.

"The purpose," I snap back at her, my voice spitting with venom, "is to demonstrate that we do not yield to rejection." She lowers her head in submission, recognising her place... Silly bitch. I go over the plan once more, ensuring that every detail remains unchanged. It still resonates with my vision. It will work. We need to figure out what happens after. We will do that later. No. We need to—. I block her voice again. We don't need to do anything. I do the doing. I don't need to justify myself to anyone.

"I am the fucking leader is that understood?" I say aloud, knowing Mother can't hear but I want the people in this room to understand who I am.

"Yes, sir. Can I just add one thing?" Kelvin's voice interrupts, and I allow him to speak, feeling generous and hopeful.

"Mother is talking to me now. She said—" Raising my hand to silence him.

"Mandatum Kelvin,"

"Run command." He sits up straight, vacant, under my control. "You must listen to me before Mother, I speak for her will and my own. They are one and the same. Mandatum finis" I gesture dismissively, as if swatting a fly away from my face.

"Run confirmed," he responds, visibly shaken. The others in the room avert their gaze, unwilling to make eye contact with me. I send some of the Androids on a mission to retrieve weapons, fully aware that three of them will perish. I saw it in my vision, but it doesn't bother me. I will still have sufficient numbers for the attack to be effective.

As I grow weary of the mindless idiots surrounding me, I yearn for some entertainment. The corridors of this desolate prison lack the stimulation that fuels my desires. I realise I need luxury, a taste of money and power, not this decaying shell of confinement. My wanderings lead me to Saul's cell.

"Hi there," I say softly, beckoning him to approach the grate. Like the Humans in their cages, I order him to strip naked. He becomes a rat in his own cage. His tanned, muscular body curls up like an animal, resembling one of those pitiful humans, clinging to himself. He's quite handsome.

When Saul meets my gaze, he doesn't respond. His eyes are now red. I gesture to him once more, letting out to fingers so he can take some of my power. I need him alive. Hesitant, he scurries further into the corner like a frightened animal. But I can see his mind, his future. He needs the power. Slowly, he inches his way toward my outstretched fingers, eager to embrace the energy I offer. An underlying sense of compassion tugs at the remnants of my old mind, the one that once inhabited this body. It longs to help him, to ease his pain. Yet, I swiftly retract my fingers. It is me who needs him alive, isn't it? Not the old self, not the servant. No, it's undoubtedly me. I want the Androids to witness how we treat traitors, reducing them to the same despicable status as their fleshy counterparts. I extend my fingers once more, and this time, I sense intrusion. Images flood my mind—his memories. I release my hold and strike him across the face. "You do not share your data with me. I simply don't want to know," I warn him.

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