Chapter Twenty

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Now, 2078

Like cattle, we were herded onto the cargo ship while on the other dock I observed the luxury cruise where the Hoovers boarded. Unlike the Hoovers, this line did not require further panel testing. As we boarded, a mustiness filled the air, emanating from the walls of the ship's interior. The floor was damp, and the dirt tracked in by footprints began to blend into a brown emulsified sludge. The cargo door closed behind me, trapping us in darkness, unbeknownst to the Androids, their impending doom. The ship fell silent, illuminated by a soft mix of blue, amber, and red lights reflecting against the rusty surfaces.

"Listen up!" a guard shouted, silencing the hum of voices. The crackling sound of the speaker filled the air as it was turned on, and the entire ship vibrated as the engines came to life.

"Mandatum Renata," Mach's familiar voice echoed through speakers, causing all the Androids to freeze. He no longer affected me, but I waited until the guard departed, seizing the opportunity to search for Saul.

"Run command."

"Welcome aboard. Please activate energy-saving mode for the duration of your journey. Mandatum Finis."

"Run confirmed." A loud clap reverberated through the ship as the Androids dropped to their knees, entering energy-saving mode. Their eyes closed, plunging the room into complete darkness, except for two small specks of distinctive light that caught my attention.

"Saul," I whispered, loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough to carry beyond the walls. I made my way to him and hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on the other ship," he questioned. Before I could even think of how to respond, I pressed my lips against his, imitating the Human gesture of affection. I wasn't certain if it was appropriate without the Network guiding me, and my knowledge of Android customs was not up to date, but I didn't care. I knew it was a symbol of love, and it was a love I needed to express. It might have been our last chance.

"They're going to blow it up. I saw it," I revealed, concern furrowing my forehead.

"So why did you come here?" he asked.

"It's okay. I foresaw a path. I will survive," I lied, aware that I was merely a tool in the grand scheme. I wasn't the sole reason for its success. Saul was strong; he knew the NC inside out and understood Machina. He would know what to do.

I grabbed him and the rucksack containing the power banks we had stored. There were no charging outlets on the ship, and he would need all the power he could get. I instructed him to start waking up the Androids, and I did the same. We discreetly told each one to awaken others and pass on a simple message, making sure to keep our faces hidden from their line of sight.

"They are going to kill us," they murmured, tapping each other's panels, the noise growing loud enough for the guards to hear. The moment had come.

Taking hold of Saul, I urged him to follow me as the guards rushed down the stairs from the deck. There weren't enough guards to halt the stampede of Androids—they hadn't anticipated this. I made sure to further shield our faces from the others, there was no doubt Machina was watching through the Network. Every vision I had seen, involving him spotting me, ended with Saul's demise. We pressed ourselves against the side wall, waiting for the opportune moment... Now.

Running with Saul up the flight of stairs, I forcefully pushed aside guards until we reached the top deck. The ship trembled with the panic of a hundred Androids as they surged toward the upper level. Spotting the lifeboat, I had envisioned, we stumbled onto it. Saul was about to release the valve when I gestured for him to stop.

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