Chapter 1

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it wasn't long after the extermination from heaven, There was a small party at the hotel, celebrating defending themselves against the angels. Alastor sat on the sofa in the main room, not seeming to care for the celebration as he sat legs crossed while reading a book. There was light music and horrible decorations thrown up, the type of things you'd find in an old box in the attic. Alastor kept his head down, scanning over the book as he saw someone standing rather close at the corner of his eye.

"not gonna dance a little, hey?" The voice sounded like Lucifer... A little too much like Lucifer. Alastor looked up, sighing as he was met with Lucifer's face, his petty grin was off putting. Alastor groaned, leaning back in his seat. "I don't dance, but I'm sure you do." Alastor hummed in his radio static voice, grinning as he looked back down at his book. Lucifer stood up right, shooting a glare. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean- Ugh you're just boring."

Lucifer rolled his eyes, about to walk away before he noticed a deep red colour seeping through Alastors jacket, barely visible as it blended with his red coloured clothing. Lucifer poked Alastor's chest, causing Alastor to wince slightly, glaring up at Lucifer in confusion. Lucifer looked at his finger, now coated in what seemed to be Alastor's blood.

"You're injured?" Lucifer then met Alastors eyes, seeming concerned. "No, I am perfectly fine." Alastor snapped, trying to turn back to his book before Lucifer closed it. Alastor sighed and put the book aside, standing up and staring down at Lucifer. "You know how to get on my nerves." Alastor hummed. Lucifer rolled his eyes, glaring up at Alastor. "You know if that wound was made by an angelic weapon it won't heal without consistent doses of angelic blood." Lucifer spoke coldly, his hands behind his back.

Alastor chuckled, his grin plastered on his face. "Oh and how am I supposed to get my hands on angelic blood? Guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up~" Alastor rolled his eyes and grabbed his staff, beginning to make his way up the stairs, heading towards his radio tower. "It's not as hard as you think-" Lucifer followed, but Alastor didn't want to speak to him. "Ah yes, I'll just take a visit to heaven and ask for some of their blood, yes?" Alastor's voice was sarcastically enthusiastic, reaching for the door handle of the radio tower.

"I have angelic blood, dumbass." Lucifer spat out, seeming to catch Alastor's attention as he paused, looking over his shoulder at the much shorter man. "You don't say?~" Alastors grin only got wider, turning to face Lucifer. "Yes, and I don't suppose you'd be interested in a deal?" Lucifer smirked, staring up at Alastor as if he had the confidence to match Alastor's height.

"Oh~ A deal? And what would that be?~" Alastor tilted his head, his eyes locked onto Lucifers as he ignored the blood seeping through his jacket, from the amount of blood the wound seemed to stretch across his whole chest. "I'll let you take doses of my blood for however long it takes for you to heal, and you owe me one offer of my choosing, at any given time." Lucifer's grin matched Alastors as he watched his enthusiastic expression.

Alastor thought for a moment, standing straight as he kept his eyes on Lucifer. "Fine, you have a deal." Alastor grinned, turning to open his radio tower door. "Well how about you change out of your bloodied clothes and you can have your first dose?" Lucifer slowly followed behind, standing right at the doorframe, not wanting to step further without Alastors permission. "Sounds good to me." Alastor said, taking his jacket off as he turned to Lucifer, waving him in.

Lucifer closed the door behind him, standing awkwardly as Alastor took off his jacket, unbuttoning his shirt. "How about I take a look? I need to see how bad it is." Lucifer suggested, stepping a little closer. Alastor sighed and turned around, revealing his scarred up torso, with the large slash that stretched from his left shoulder down to the bottom of his right ribs.
"Damn they got you good, hey?" Lucifer chuckled lightly, knowing Alastor wouldn't want pity.

Lucifer made a damp cloth appear in his hand, reaching out to Alastor's wound, but Alastor grabbed his hand. "What do you think you're doing?" Alastor asked, his voice was like static. "Well it needs to be cleaned, you don't want to put fresh clothes on a bloody wound now, would ya?" Lucifer rolled his eyes, waiting for Alastor to release his arm before he gently wiped away blood that dropped from his chest. "Not a word to anyone." Alastor hissed, keeping an eye on Lucifer's hand as it wiped down the blood.

"As if I'd want to be associated with you anyway." Lucifer grumbled. "Pleasant." Alastor replied, snarking. "Says you-" Lucifer snapped back before Alastor cut in. "Oh just shut it, that should be fine." Alastor pulled Lucifer's hand away, reaching for a plain black shirt to throw over himself.

"Don't be such a bitch if you expect blood off me." Lucifer grumbled, making the cloth disappear. "We made a deal, I can act however I want." Alastor's voice went dark, turning back to Lucifer who sighed and held out his arm for Alastor to take blood from. Alastor rolled his eyes, grabbing the arm that Lucifer offered to pull him in, his other hand resting on Lucifer's jaw and his teeth sunk into the King's neck.

"Fuck!-" Lucifer winced, the sudden pain soon softened and it wasn't as bad as expected. Alastor licked the blood that oozed from the wound on Lucifer's neck, the taste was addicting. Angels blood was known to be sweet, and the fact that Alastor was already a cannibal just added to the satisfaction. Lucifer's hand reached for Alastors shoulders to steady himself, feeling his back rather softly hit the wall.

Alastor sunk his teeth into Lucifer's neck again, this time deeper to take more blood into his mouth. "God- Slow down you cannibalistic fucker-" Lucifer spoke harshly, although it wasn't as bad as he let it out to seem. His hands gripped Alastor's shoulders tighter, shutting his eyes and relaxing his breathing. Lucifer found himself tilting his head slightly to give Alastor better access. It wasn't long before Alastor leaned back, licking the blood off his lips. He looked down at Lucifer, who looked rather faint.

"Can't take losing a liter of blood?" Alastor chuckled. Lucifer reached over the bite mark on his neck, swiping over it and healing it pretty fast. "It would have been nice for you to warn me." Lucifer muttered, rolling his eyes. Alastor stepped away, pulling out a chair to sit. "Now, sorry to pull you away from the party, you may continue your little celebration." Alastor hummed out, turning to Lucifer as he took a seat. Lucifer stepped towards Alastor instead of the door, rubbing his neck.

"Would it be so awful to have company?" Lucifer asked, looking down at Alastor in his seat, crossing one leg over the other. "You tire me, your heighness, but I suppose it wouldn't kill me." Alastor replied, tapping the chair beside him.

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