Chapter 6

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Lucifer sat and listened to the conversation for a while, but his thoughts were louder. Staring at his lap, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened less than an hour ago with Alastor. He knew it didn't mean anything but couldn't ignore the pooling guilt he felt over having what seemed to be a fling with the radio demon, but that wasn't all he felt it was. Lucifer stood up, stepping over to the bar in the corner of the room and sitting on a stool.

"Anything you got." Lucifer slouched as he spoke to husk, the bartender. "On it." He replied as he reached for a glass to pour a drink in. "Any reason you're drinking so early?" Husk asked as he found a strong drink, reaching for a whiskey. Lucifer watched husk do his work well, pouring the drink and placing it in front of him. "Just need something to wake me up." Lucifer replied, downing the whiskey and pushing it forward for a refill. "right... and coffee isn't good enough or?" Husk looked down at the empty drink, slightly surprised as he poured Lucifer another.

Lucifer sipped at the next drink, looking up at husk as he wiped down the bar counter with a cloth. "This just works better, i guess." Lucifer looked to his right as Alastor sat beside him, sitting straight. "Get me the same, husker~" Alastor hummed in his usual static voice, Husk doing as asked. Alastor met Lucifer's gaze, as if nothing happened.

Lucifer looked away, sipping on the whiskey. "So~ any plans for today?" Alastor tilted his head at Lucifer, sipping from his glass. "Erm, not really." Lucifer responded, finishing his drink and placing it on he counter. "Could i possibly speak to you?" He looked over at Alastor again, leaning back in the stool. "Why yes, of course. Go ahead." Alastor grinned as he sipped the whiskey. "No, i mean in private?" Lucifer met Alastors eyes as he finished his drink. "Alright, if you insist."

Alastor stepped over to a private room, Lucifer following after. He closed the door behind them, leaning against the door as he looked up at Alastor, which spoke before Lucifer got the chance to. "Listen, if it's about this morning, I meant what I said, it meant nothing." Alastor spoke, his voice colder than usual.

"So it was just an in the moment thing?.." Lucifer asked, looking up at Alastor. "Exactly, it was for the pleasure and nothing else, I don't like you." He said boldly, staring down at Lucifer who couldn't keep a smile on his face. "Right.." Lucifer took a moment to think. "Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I don't see you that way, Luci." Alastor replied, gently pushing Lucifer aside to get to the door, walking back out into the main room. Lucifer stood in the doorframe, watching Alastor sit back down with everyone else.

Most of the day, everyone sat around playing board games and card games, sitting in a circle on the floor in the main room. That managed to get Lucifers mind off things for at least a while, although every time Lucifer and Alastor made eye contact, it got awkward.

Monopoly was pulled out and it started to get heated as usual, Charlie started shouting at Angel-Dust because he wouldn't pay her the rent he owed and Vaggie was bankrupt, once again. They all seemed to be having fun, though it was tiring after a while and everyone decided to take a break.

Lucifer laid on the floor, staring up at the very tall ceiling as people talked quietly. Alastor stood next to Lucifer, looking down at him. "Why, I must say, you're quite good at these games~" he hummed. "Thanks, I've had a lot of practice." Lucifer chuckled as he sat up, Alastor sitting on the floor beside him. Lucifers eyes locked onto Charlie and Vaggie sitting together, chatting quietly.

"You must be proud of her, did all of this, found a happy life, all without you." Alastor spoke, looking over at Lucifer who turned to meet his eyes. "You have no right to say that, I had a reason to be gone." Lucifer huffed, looked away. "Sure you did~" Alastor grinned, sitting up straight.

"How is the wound doing?" Lucifer muttered, looking back up at Alastor. "It's doing better, definitely. I think the amount of blood I took this morning really helped it." Alastor looked over at Lucifer. "Well it's getting late, you may as well have some more tonight to speed up the process so we don't have to do this for as long." Lucifer stood up, stretching his arms. "Sounds perfect~" Alastor did the same, standing up and indicating for Alastor to lead the way.

Lucifer made his way up the stairs, this time heading for his room instead of Alastors radio tower. He opened the door, stepping into a luxury looking bedroom with white and gold decor, obviously a large amount of toy ducks scattered around here and there. "My, My~ you sure like rubber ducks, don't you~" Alastor teased, closing the door behind him.

"No shit Sherlock." Lucifer replied, crossing his arms Infront Alastor. "Just hurry this up." He huffed, but Alastor chuckled. "Oh dear king~ I'm in the mood to take my time." Alastor grinned as he stepped closer, unbuttoning Lucifers jacket. As he looked into his eyes.

"How about we try a different place, hm?~" Alastor hummed, taking off Lucifers jacket with a tilted head. "Like where?" Lucifer responded, looking up at Alastor confused. "Arm, Chest?" Alastor suggested with a grin. Lucifer looked down at his arm, reaching it out to Alastor. "Go ahead then."

Alastor smirked, grabbing Lucifers wrist and sinking his teeth into it Lucifers arm, licking the blood that dripped. Lucifer whined at the sudden pain, watching Alastor feast on his arm. "Fuck.." Lucifer whispered, his hand reaching to grip Alastors hair. Alastor gazed over at Lucifer, a different look in his eyes as he pulled away from his arm. "Strip, now." Alastor demanded, licking his lips free of the blood.

Lucifer seemed confused, muttering as he reached for his shirt, hesitating. "Al, listen.." Lucifer paused, looking up at the desire in Alastors eyes. "I'm not here for a fling.." he continued. Alastor tilted his head, taking off his own jacket as he stepped closer to Lucifer. "Neither am I, now strip." Alastor repeated, watching the surprise on Lucifers face, taking his shirt off and removing his trousers.

Alastor pushed Lucifer to the bed, smacking his lips against the smaller man's, biting his bottom lip and sucking on it. "Fuck~ Alastor-" Lucifer whined into the kiss as his hand searched for Alastors chest.

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