Chapter 6

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I got home trying to hold my tears back. I go inside quality and check if dad is home. He wasn't in the living room. Good. I go toward the stairs when....

"You came early." I hear dad's voice and turn around to face him with my eyes looking on the floor.

"Y-yes. I wanted to come early so I would have more time to get ready for tonight's dinner." I say to him with low voice.

"Good. Go, and be as beautiful as possible. There is someone important you need to meet. So be nice and act like a lady. Don't. Embarrass. Me." He says in a harsh tone.

Who is this someone important? I wanted to ask him but I also didn't wanted to get him angry. So I just ignore it and go upstairs, in my room. I had my dress on the bed. As I was about to get undressed, my mom entered my room without knocking.

"What are you wearing for tonight?" She asks and I look at the dark blue dress then look at her.

"No. You are not wearing that. It isn't right for this dinner. Come with me." She orders.

I follow her to her huge walk-in closet. She looks around for a while and then she hands me a black, tight dress which apparently was also a bit to revealing.

"Here. This should work." She says.
"Doesn't it shows to much skin?" I ask awkward.
"No, it's perfect. Go get ready and do your makeup properly." She says to me cold.

I go to my room and put the dress on. I feel bad to wear this since it shows my whole back, my whole right leg and since it is very tight, it shows all my curves.

I like it and it looks good on mebut I am not used with wearing this kind of dresses. But if my mom says it will look good on me then I have to wear it.

My mind was still at my dad's words. Who were these people? Are they so important that my parents are so nervous for? Anyway. I don't have much time so I just run to get ready. I do my hair, my makeup, wear my dress, I mean my mom's dress, my shoes and some small jewelleries.

I always wear a golden necklace with a small golden butterfly that used to be my grandma's. After her death, it became mine. It even matches my butterfly tattoo on my back.I never take it off. Except when I shower and sleep.

I go downstairs and see my parents talking with low voices but they stop when they see me.

"Okay. She is here. When we arrive there, act like a lady, lower your head and your voice when your speak. And don't speak much. Understand?" He says in a harsh tone.

I nod my head. "Understand?" He says louder.
"Yes, father." I say and then we head outside to the car. We drive for about twenty minutes until we arrived at a big restaurant.

It looked expensive. When we got inside it was even more expensive. And beautiful. We go upstairs and enter a private room.

There were some people. Two men and one woman. They were dressed fancy. My eyes landed on the young man around my age or some years older. His eyes are dark brown.

"Lorenzo. There you are, my friend." My dad said as they shake their hands.

"Monica. Long time no see." My mom and the other woman hug.
My dad call me and presents me to the man.
"Darling, so nice to see you." He says as I thank him.

Then the woman jumps on me and hugs me.
"Bella. You are even more beautiful than the photos your mother showed me." The woman, apparently Monica, says with a big smile on her face.

Then it was his turn. I go to him and shake his hand as he squeezed my hand so hard that it hurts.

He stared at me with a cold expression like he is gonna jump on me and eat me alive. His stare is so intimidating. He scares me and makes me to stay as much far away from him as possible.
But luck was not in my side.

Everybody sat down but, the only empty seat for me was next to him. Good. Now I have to spend all the dinner with this scary person next to me.


Oh, god. We arrived at the restaurant that we are supposed to meet this crazy family. We get a private room and we just wait.

Ughhh. I feel so tired. I have been arguing with my dad all day so I would not had to come tonight and I would not get married to some random bitch. Did it work? No. No, it didn't.

"Luca. I want you to be nice. Ack kind, okay?" My mom says and I nod. Don't worry, mama. I'm going to do the exact the opposite.

Then there is a knock on the door. They were here. Finally. I wanted to end this dinner already.

The first, Tom came inside and then his wife. I got to say. He has a taste. And then. Her. She enters the room the last and her eyes land immediately on mine.

Oh, Dio mio. Her eyes. They are..... gorgeous.
A light green, almost yellow.  (My god)

My dad greets her and then I remembered that she was about to marry me. This bitch. This woman. Who apparently wore a short, tight and revealing dress just to seduce me. Oh, how stupid.

It's crystal clear that she is a whore who would sell herself just for money and attention. And when she learned that she is going to marry the biggest mafia boss, she must have been over the moon.

She meets my parents and  mom complimented her. My poor, naive mom. She can't tell that she is a whore. But I can.

She cames up to me and... damn. She is short. Even in heels. Her head cames up to my chest. She shakes my hand. She doesn't say anything. I squeeze her hand hard but not enough to break tiny hand. I feel like I am greeting a child. Then I let go.

They all sat down except her. She was looking confused. All of them sat down next to each other so her and I would sit next to each other.
She sits down on my left side awkwardly.

Dio. I want to go home. But I also for some reason want to stay to see how the dinner is about to go.


How is the dinner about to go?🤔

Btw, sorry for not being able to post this chapter earlier. I have been very sick.
I hope you guys understand.

Love you

His Butterfly Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ