Chapter 7

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Seeing that the only seat available is next to him, I had no other choice but to sit near him. As I get comfortable, I smell his strong cologne. Wow. It really smells expensive.

I feel really awkward. I don't know why but my heart is pumping blood so fast that I think it will burst out of my chest. Probably from the awkward silence in the room.

"So, Amina. How are you?" Monica asks me with a smile trying to break the ice cold air.

"I'm fine ma'am, thanks." I answered politely.

"Oh please bella. Don't call me that. I feel old. You can just call me Monica. That's my name after all." She says in her sweet tone.

"So you studied nursing?" The man in my right says.

"Yes. Now I work in a hospital." I say. Why I feel like I am in a interview? No one else is speaking.

"Yeah. She got graduated with amazing grades. She was the top of her classes." My mom says with loud voice and proud in her tone. She kicked my foot under the table signaling me to talk a little about myself.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. My name is Diana and I will be your waitress tonight. What can I get for you?" The waitress says.

I look over the menu and my eyes wide open as I see the prices. I hear everyone order something really expensive or hard to spell. Oh, my goodness.

What am I going to order? I don't want to embarrass myself or look like a gold digger and order something really expensive.

I heard my mum ordering a risotto. "I am going to get a risotto too. Also a cesar salad." I say and the room fell silent after that. Oh, no. Did I order too much? God, help me.

The waitress leaves and dad started a conversation with that man and mum started her with Monica. I look around and I see him being on his phone. I feel so awkward.

I hear mom laughing, dad whispering and his phone letting out the typing clicks.

The waitress cames back and fills our glasses with red wine. The red colour gives me goosebumps. It reminds me of.... Whatever. It doesn't matter. It was a long time ago anyway.

When she comes towards my glass but I refuse.

"No no. Thanks but I don't drink alcohol. Thank you. I will be okay with just water." I say to her and she gives me a "weirdo" look.

"Really? You don't drink alcohol? What an amazing girl. She doesn't even drink alcohol. Smart and polite. Right, Lorenzo?" Monica says in a 'aww' voice.

"Yes darling. Unlike our son, she has beauty AND brain." Lorenzo says looking at the man beside me in a 'be serious ' looks and then sweetly smiles to me.

Of course I don't like alcohol. It reminds me of him. What if I taste it once and then never letting it go? What if I turn into someone like him or my father after drinking a bit? No. That won't happen because I have never drink and will never.

As I look at my mom  I also look at something that left me shocked. As the waitress was pouring wine at Monica's glass, the man was rubbing her big, fat peach as she was blushing and trying to hide the smile on her face.

Then as she was pouring wine in his glass she was touching his forearm and secretly gave him something.

This guy must be a play boy.
Suddenly I feel a hand on both of mine.

"Bella. What do you use for your hands? They are  so soft. I definitely need your hand care routine." Monica says admiring my hands.

Great. Now she even made me feel even more awkward.

"Yeah. Just give me a second please." I say and get up from my seat. As soon as I leave the private room, I feel so much better. Oh my god.

I get downstairs and go straight to the bathroom and lock the door.
After doing my things, I threw some water on my face. And of course some of my makeup was ruined. I fix it and after putting all the makeup products back on the makeup bag, I get out of the bathroom only to witness something terrifying.

It was the guy from the dinner, in the girls bathroom, with the waitress pressed next to the wall, kissing and.... Having..... Sexual intimacy??

"Ohh. Sorry sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to interrupt you guys." I say blocking my eyes with my hands. I hear a big sigh coming from him and a giggle coming from her.

"You act like you never had been fucked before. Like you are miss.Innocent." "Yeah,girl. It's something normal." They say ironically.

I get my makeup bag and leave. As I get to the hall, my phone rings. The call ID says Alice and immediately answer.

"Hey girl. How are you doing? How is the dinner with the mysterious family?" She asks curiously.

"Good. Not as bad as I expected." I lie.

" But I have to go now. See you tomorrow. Good night." I say and hung up without waiting for her answer.

"Did you guys get to know each other better?" Monica asks with her big smile. Does she always smiles so much. Her face is about to break.

"No, mother. I was in a bisness call. As about her, I don't know where she went." I hear his voice behind me.

We sat down and the food is served. That girl is serving his food and smiling at him but all he does is ignore her.

Then my food is served down. I hope it tastes as good as it looks and smells. As I was about to take my first bite, Lorenzo gets up and raises his glass.

"This toste goes for our new couple, Amina and Luca. Cheers to them and their marriage." He says and I choke on my water.

"Couple? Marriage? I'm sorry sir but I am not understanding anything. What are you talking about?" I ask in shock.

"Baby, we were about to tell you. You and Luca, Lorenzo's and Monica's son are going to get married." My mom says like is something normal.

"By the end of the month." Lorenzo says drinking from his glass.

"No. I just meet him. I don't know him and I don't even want to get to know him. What are you guys talking about? I don't want to get married. I'm to young for that." I yell and see my parents get angry.

"To bad young lady. I don't want to get married either but here we are." I hear him say.

"You are going to get married. End of the conversation." Dad says.

"No. I am not. I'm leaving." I say and get my things. I get out of there and I start crying. I get to my car and just start driving. I don't think where I am going to go.

I don't want to get married. I don't want to get into a relationship. Not after the last one. No.


Hey guys 👋☺️

Sorry I haven't been so active lately.
I have been really,really sick.

Anyway, here is chapter 7. Hope you like it.

Love you


Words: 1254

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