Chapter 11 - Deep sleep

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I still can't believe I reached all the way here in the story! It's all thanks to all of you showing support and motivating me to continue writing!


My eyes flickered open and I felt that I was being dragged through some sort of office room over to a garbage disposal. 

When me and the thing that was dragging me arrived at the door of the disposal, a big purple paw reached for the handle to open it.

Once open, I was dropped down into it and while falling, all I could see was the face of the one that dragged me away, a terrifying purple cat with a giant head, a mouth bigger than my head and black eyes, both lit up by a glowing white pupil.

My eyes widened upon seeing the.. toy? Is that one of the toys?

My train of thought was disrupted by my fall coming to an end. The impact completely woke me up from my half asleep state.

I immediately sat up when I heard of machinery around me starting up. Looking around I saw that I'm in a trash compactor, a huge one at that.

Luckily, there was a way out of here, that being some toys stacked onto each other all the way up to a hole in one of the closing in walls.

Climbing up, I dropped down behind the walls and immediately noticed a familiar glowing handle. It made me remember about the friend I just made not long ago.

'Mommy... Is she okay? I hope that cat thing didn't hurt her.' I pulled myself up to a platform with the help of the handle and my Grabpack.

Walking through a doorway, I was met with four giant hydraulic presses moving up and down continuously. I noticed another doorway like the one I just walk through, but it was a bit higher.

Slowly, but surely, I put the pieces together and figured out that I had to jump onto the hydraulic presses to reach it.

Sighing, I got ready to jump, knowing there's no other way to go.

Luckily, nothing went wrong while doing some cool parkour, although I almost got crushed by one of these giant things.

Behind the doorway I just jumped into was a small room that looked ready to collapse anytime. There were multiple pipes along the walls, a bunch of barrels with different colors, and debris literally everywhere. It's surprising how there's still light in here.

I noticed a crack on the wall that was basically big enough for a person to fit through. Crouching down, I crawled through to see an even bigger room. To my left was a red door that was lit up pretty well. I could hear something dripping in the background, but I decided to ignore it and opened the red door. 

This door led me into a long hallway with a right turn, which presumably leads to more hallway. There was even more hydraulic presses, all of them going up and down at different times. Looking down, I noticed that I'm now standing on some sort of catwalks, but at the bottom there was some weird red gas?

Figuring out what I had to do, I hopped over every hydraulic press, timing my every jump just so I won't fall.

Though fate is my worst enemy, I slipped. I started flailing around, trying to grab onto something, but it just didn't work. I shut my eyes, not ready for what is going to happen...

Falling down, I fell unconscious both from the impact and the gas.


Some sort of weird TV show's intro started playing... wait, the Smiling Critters? I remember that stuff!

The episode started off with almost every animal, seven exactly, sitting or lying in a darkened room, trying to sleep while the weather was wreaking havoc outside. The clicking and the ticking of the clock could be heard louder than ever.

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