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I woke up groggy, never a good way to start the day, especially when you're running away from someone with your best friend, and now 2 random people have joined you. I did not have the energy to deal with this, but I had to, I stretched my arms out. I wish I thought like Raven to bring Pajamas, but I was in a really big rush just to get out of the palace, I was going to ask if he brought an extra pair but then I realized they'd probably just fit like regular clothes on me, he's short keep  your mind straight! I told myself, keep moving, and they can't find you! Then I had an idea, these people are going on a long quest that should be going over the mountains, that'll definitely take time, and keep us moving! I thought, I creeped out of the tent, not wanting to wake Raven and stretched out my wings when I got out.

"Hey Aro!" Omisha called, she wasn't accompanied by Shizyle, so I assumed she was also still asleep,

"Hey Omisha!" I called, I explained to her my idea and she agreed it was a good idea,

"Morning!" I heard someone call, it sounded feminine so I assumed it was Shizyle, "I assume you're trying to cook something?" She said looking at Omisha, who nodded.

"Yeah, why?" Omisha asked,

"Well because it's burning right now." Shizyle pointed out, Omisha yelped and tried to put out the fire which just ended up fanning the flame,

"Mother fucker." I mumbled to myself, as I got some water from my tent and poured it on the fire. Raven woke up and had a fun sight to see me pouting water on burning bacon while Shizyle comforted an embarrassed Omisha. 

"What the fuck happened here?" Raven asked, I explained and he sighed, "One second." A minute later he came out of the tent putting on a heart shaped locket, "Alright let me teach y'all how to cook bacon." He said in a kind of annoyed morning voice.

After that nightmare, seriously I never want to cook again after that, we packed up and started our way into the forest. It only took an hour to reach the forest, which surprised me since it looked way farther out, like at least to the afternoon type of walk, but whatever, still groggy after all. We all made small talk, what else would you do?

Shizyle looked towards Raven and asked "What was your name again? Ray?" She asked, he locked in place and gripped his heart locket, I thought I could see tears prick his eyes,

"It's... Raven... Don't call me Ray, it's a nickname I don't like for... Reasons." It sounded like he was going to cry, I felt sympathetic for him, which is weird because I haven't felt sympathy for someone other than Omisha in a long time, but it's whatever, I'd also like to know the reason he doesn't like the nickname, it's kind of a cute nickname. I thought, I pushed that thought away from me and figured if he wanted us to know he would've told us. Raven's grip on his locket weakened and he continued walking with us.

"Uhh change of topic!" Shizyle said, "I think I'd be useful if you two look at the map!" She cheered looking at me and Omisha,

"Yeah can we see it?" I questioned,

"Yeah! Raven you were the one who had it last." Shizyle said looking at Raven, he seemed to be in a kind of daze while walking, and seemed startled,

"Hm!? Oh yeah here." He said quickly pulling out a map from his backpack, "It's one of those REALLY old maps that has things written or drawn on the back." Raven mentioned, Omisha and I looked at the map, but then I saw Omisha's face turn a little confused,

"Raven, how do you plan to cross the mountains?" She asked, Raven gave her a confused look, "I mean these mountains haven't been crossed by people without wings in centuries! What are you going to be the first person without wings to climb it in centuries?" Omisha asked,

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