ALL | When your sick | R!

815 14 9


REQUESTED BY:  PinkBlade3712



• Dogday would tell you to stay in bed and rest while he gives you anything you need to feel better!

• Soup? Check! Medicine? Check! Blankets? Checkk!!

• Anything you want he'll have it for you right away!

• He'd check up on you regularly to see if your temperature had gone up or not

• Orr just stay with you the whole day

• He'd also give you lots of cuddles!

• "Dogday, im sick! If you keep cuddling me you'll get sick to,"

• "So? I'm still going to"

• By the time you're better, Dogday would most likely be sick aswell

• Then you'd have to take care of him


• Catnap would force you to stay in bed

• "It's just a small cold! Please let me get out if bedd"

• "No."

• Even if it's just a small cold he'll force you to be in bed and rest

• When you would be asleep (Since you had nothing else to do) He'd stay with you and check your temperature

• And if you asked for anthring He'd make sure to give it to you!


• To be honest Kickin wouldn't really know how to care for somone who is sick

• He doesnt really get sick so whenever he would He'd just continue on as normal (he doesn't want to seem weak)

• Sooo....He would ethier look it up or ask one of the other critters, like Hoppy

• "Bro Kickin, how do you not know what to do when someone is sick?"

• "Uhmm...-"

• He'll try his best


• Uhmm...I got no ideas

• I feel that Crafty is good at taking care of people

• So if you ever get sick she'll know what to do!

• She'll make sure your cozy all day

• Even if you just have a cold shell make you a little card or just a craft saying get better!

• If you stay inside all day Crafty will stay with you to take care of you and just to hang out


• When your sick she'll make you a bunch of food!

• Since she's the main critter who cooks Picky would know what food is good for when your sick!

• Picky would stay with you all day, making sure your okay and if you needed anything

• (I imagine Picky making some food for you but she couldn't help herself and ate it, soo she would have to make it again lmao)


• Doesn't matter how minor or major your sickness  kinda like Catnap, would force you to stay in bed and take care of you!

• She would stay by your side all day, checking your temp, making you food, giving tons of blankets, tons of tissues

• Anything you would ever need she'll get it for you

• Bobby would get a bit sad that she couldn't hug you, she wouldnt want to get sick


• While your sick Hoppy would stay inside with you!

• She's not the greatest at taking care of people but she kidnap knows what to give you!

• Hoppy would be a bit sad that she couldn't go outside a play, since she wanted to stay with you

• I imagine that she wouldn't be good at cooking so she'd ask Picky to help her make you somthing to eat

• As she stayed inside wiht you yall would watch a movie or somthing, just hanging out


• We all know that Bubba is incredibly smart, so he'd so exactly what to do!

• Whatever your sick with or whatever symptoms your having he'll know how to help you

• Bubba would give you anything you would need and stay with you if you wanted but...

• He would stay away

• Like he wouldn't never touch you, he always had to be a few feet away

• Not not like he's disgusted of you! Hes just scared to get sick!!



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