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Yehaaa, what a great day!!! I wish these days would never end. I wonder if he has sent me any messages. Lemme quickly check.
Author's POV:
It all starts on one fine day when Sophia's final exams have ended, granting her some free time before entering her freshman year. Sophia was an ambitious and inquisitive 14-year-old girl eagerly anticipating her journey into adulthood. Like other kids, she immersed herself in the phone and spent her entire day on Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp, engaging in conversations with friends and exchanging gossip about teachers, their school, their lives, and what not.
One day, feeling a bit bored, she decided to have some lighthearted chats with strangers on Instagram. Little did she know the profound impact it would have on her life or what awaited her in the days to come. Without further ado, she accepted the requests from numerous strangers and initiated friendly conversations with them.

 Without further ado, she accepted the requests from numerous strangers and initiated friendly conversations with them

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Sofia's POV:
Yeha, this is all so cool. It's really a fun wish that I discovered this earlier. Oh, who is this guy? He seems attractive. I think I should accept his request. It will be fun to chat with him, but isn't he older? Um, should I or shouldn't I? Um, well, it's just for fun, right? Lemme give it a try.

Sofia: Hi

??: Oh, thanks for the reply. I was kinnda waiting for you.

Sofia: Really! Why??

??: You know you are gorgeous. You are really cute.

Sofia: Um, yeah, I know that. By the way, thanks.

Sofia: Well, what's your name?

??: Hey, sorry for not introducing myself earlier😅. I'm Vain, and I hail from the bustling city of New York.

Sofia: Oh, wow, New York. It's been my dream to visit New York.

Vain: Really! Then I will eagerly await for your arrival.

Sofia: 😄

Vain: Then tell me about yourself!!

Sofia: Sure, so I am just about to enter my freshman year.

Vain: Oh, that's wonderful.

Sofia: Yes, and what about you? What pursuits do you engage in?

Vain: I have just completed my schooling and am about to commence new chapter in college life.

Vain: I am kinda excited for that sh*t.

Sofia: Hehe, me too🤣 I mean who is not excited about college, it must be fun right!

Vain: will tell you after sometime🤣

Author's POV:
As the days unfolded, their bond grew stronger, unaware of the profound significance that lay concealed within their intertwined fates.

Author: Little did Sofia anticipate the transformative power her enjoyment held, for it had the potential to usher in either sorrowful tears or boundless joy.
Let's see how their destiny plays with them or perhaps it's just a test for their upcoming life.

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