Destiny or Choice

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Several months elapsed in this manner, and their affection for one another grew exponentially. When they were in each other's presence, time seemed to evaporate, leaving them blissfully content. Despite the demands of their individual lives, they consistently made an effort to prioritize and cherish their connection. Love had already taken root between them.

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever; it's inconceivable for me that I stop to think about you. Believe me, Sofia," Vain expressed with heartfelt sincerity.

"Shut up; you forgot ,you forgot everything. I was expecting you to be the first one to wish me birthday, but no, you didn't," Sofia responded angrily.

"I genuinely apologize, love," confessed Vain, his remorse evident.

"No, I am not forgetting you," Sofia declared resolutely.
"But at least pick up my call." Vain pleaded with longing.

"No, I won't. I don't even want to talk to you," Sofia exclaimed furiously.

"Please, love, pick up my call, at least give me the chance to explain myself once," Vain implored, his voice filled with desperation.

"Fine," Sofia reluctantly agreed.

"Fine," Sofia reluctantly agreed

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*Sofia picks up the call.*

In call

Sofia: Do you even know how much I wait?

Vain : And do you know what I wait for?

Wait to hold your hands,
Wait to sit by your side,
Wait to just look into your eyes,
To hug you, to hold you in my arms.
I cannot explain what my heart goes through when you are angry with me.
But time flies by when you are with me,
Every second without you seems like a painful dream.
But even though we are miles apart,
You will always be with me, forever in my heart.

Listening to this, Sofia's anger drained off like a storm dissipating into a calm and peaceful breeze. She was happy to listen to this and make up her mind to forgive him. Then, just like other days, they talked and shared everything with each other. 

To compensate for his mistake, Vain promises her a gift, which she accepts.

"Okay, but what's my gift?" Sofia asked happily

"What about a virtual date?" We will be together for a whole day. We can start by watching movie together, snuggled up on our couches, enjoying the film and sharing our thoughts. And for dinner, we can prepare our favorite meal and have a video call while we enjoy our food. It'll be like we're sitting across  each other at a restaurant.
I can't wait to see your beautiful smile and hear your laughter throughout the day.

Sofia's heart overflowed with joy upon hearing Vain's proposal for a virtual date. The mere thought of spending an entire day together filled her with an indescribable sense of elation. Imagining themselves engrossed together , Sofia envisioned them sitting comfortably in their couches, synchronized in their movie selection, and engaged in a beautiful experience.

As the evening approached, Sofia eagerly anticipated their virtual dinner date. The prospect of preparing their favorite meals and partaking in a video call brought a sense of intimacy. It was as if they were seated across one another in an enchanting restaurant.

The anticipation of the day ahead filled Sofia's heart with warmth and excitement. The prospect of spending quality time with Vain, even through phone was something she had never thought of, but it's making her heart scream with happiness.

With a grate smile and a heart brimming with anticipation, Sofia eagerly awaited the arrival of their special day, knowing that their virtual date would be a cherished experience, imprint forever in the story of their love.


The entire day unfold with an abundance of joy and contentment just as they both had envisioned. Their shared anticipation had birthed a tapestry of happiness that coloured every moment they spent together. The hours melted away, as time itself seemed to bow to the enchantment of their collection. Throughout the day, their heart was filled with gratitude, joy and love.

**On some random day**

**On some random day**

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*Sofia's POV*

It's been seven hours, and he has not replied. Maybe he is busy. Should I call him?

*Call not connected*

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*Call not connected*


Falling in love is like holding a candle. Initially it lightens up the world around you. Then it starts melting and hurts you. Finally it goes off and everything will be darken then ever and all you are left with is the....BURN! [TAKEN]


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