Chapter Three

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I was agitated for most of the second period before my study period and do not remember what was discussed in Maths. So much for that class since Spencer White occupied all of my mental capacity. I just wanted to go home. Leaving maths, I had to walk past the gym to get to the library. I literally walked into Amerie and Harper arguing in the middle of the gym. “I didn’t ask you to do that,” Harper stated deadpaning Amerie. I wonder what happened between the two. “Shut up. You’re my best mate,” Amerie responds. I stop just inside the gym in wonder. How does a friendship get here? I always wanted a friendship like the one they had. Someone to do everything together. Doesn’t Amerie see that Harper is upset; that something with Harper is wrong? “Not anymore.” Harper calmly states. What? Oh my God. “Fuck off.” Harper asserts slapping Ameries hand away then Amerie starts to question what Harper is talking about and reaches out to touch her. Amerie kept trying to get her to answer and Harper just snapped. Next thing anyone knew, everyone in the gym was yelling “Fight, fight, fight!” and running over to see the show. I stepped further inside the gym to get a closer look, and to feel included. I noticed Spencer is in the Gym with Ant and Ant’s pulling out his phone to film the fight. They are both ridiculous. I rolled my eyes as his stupid, amused, smile appeared again at the surprise that Harper headbutted Amerie. In shock, I see Quinni move in to see if the girl is okay as Harper runs off. I scan the gym and just pass through it on my way to the library.

Walking down the hall, I realized that I caught the attention of a certain blond boy, and was being followed. I look over my shoulder and close my eyes as I let out a deep breath. Why is he trying to gain my attention again? Can’t he get a hint?

“Gemma?” He sighs using his long legs to glide to make pace with me. 

“Spencer?” I keep walking, giving an annoyed look in his direction, but matching his tone of exhaustion. Why can’t he just give me some space? 

“Can we talk?” He keeps walking with me as I turn the corner getting closer to the Library. Putting his hands in his pockets, trying to keep from making eye contact with me. His jaw is clenched, and he looks almost disheartened. 

“We could have before you humiliated me in the middle of the courtyard.” I kept my pace and if he chose to keep following that was up to him. He did. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him tense but now looking fully away from me. His jaw was still clenched. His brow furrowed in irritation from what I could see from this angle of his face. 

“I’m sorry,” his mumble came out quietly. “I. . .” He verbally paused, turning his head back facing me. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just. . .” he sighed. “I just want you to know. I don’t hold you to the whole snitching and Dusty thing. It was just something to get the tension off me. I shouldn’t have said it. I don’t know why I said that.” I watched his face flush as embarrassment took over. It was cute. Dammit, not cute. Do not think cute. I closed my eyes trying not to let the smile take over my face. Spencer was apologizing. He was apologizing to me. Damn him. 

“I did not like what you had to say back there  and it better not happen again. . .  but apology accepted. I do want space. Well talk, but not right now. I cannot do this conversation right now. It has been too much so far today.” I sighed at him. He nodded his head with a light smile as we reached the door to the library. “Here,” I held out my hand. “Give me your phone?” He reached into his back pocket, grabbed and handed me his phone after he unlocked it for me. I quickly added my number, saved it, and handed back my phone. “I won’t be ready today, but maybe this weekend. I need time to process this map and see if I stay alive tonight after going home. Stupid map,” I shared, curling a piece of hair as we both had stopped just outside the library doors and my hands needed something to do with my nervous energy. He nodded at me yet again, giving me a concerned look at my last comment. The warning bell rang above us and I moved to enter the library as he headed back the other way to probably find Ant. I took one more glance at the back of his head. No. Just no, Gemma. Don’t dwell on it. 

I walked into the Library, waved to Mr. Gavinfor attendance, and found a spot to hide in the back of the library. Tossing my crossbody bag to the side of me, I sat down on the carpet with my back to the wall leaning my head against it and closed my eyes. 

The break was such a dumpster fire. Between being sent to dads, his new serious girlfriend, who is absolutely horrid. Mom’s nagging about school, that I needed to work, that a certain boy wasn't allowed in our house, and rekindling a type of acquaintanceship with the boy and then hooking up. It was not much of a relaxing break. Not that the latter was not enjoyable or regrettable but the whole school was not supposed to know. Ant and Dusty were not supposed to know. I did not want to spotlight it. I wanted this year to be different. I already feel the stares, and the whispering comments. I wanted friendships and to make new friends without them stemming from rumors, gossip, and drama. Not that any of the kids here wanted to be friends before . . Other than in class “friends” and people that were familiar. I was debating on how to tell Mom myself about the Incest Wall of sex. Hopefully, she had to work late tonight and we’d miss each other. The quiet was nice while it lasted because two Year 9’s came down through the stacks whispering about the map. I sighed, pulling my bag closer to me to dig out my air pods. 

As my arm was deep inside my back did Woodsy come over the announcements: “Will the following students please meet at Classroom 5D: Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn. Darren Rivers. Quinn Gallagher-Jones. Gemma Dwyer. Douglas Piggott, and Malakai Mitchell.” I groaned. What now? I need to stop mumbling about if this day would get any worse. 


I was the first one to enter the room and sat down facing the window at a table for four. On the walk over, I stuck one of the airpods in I dug out of my bag. I am emotionally done for the day and I am drowning out this class with sound. I sat with my hand holding up my head where the airpod was and stared out the window. My shoulder length, down, ash-blond hair falling slightly in my face. I heard Missy come in and Ms. O. greet. I heard commotion at the door and a “get down”, but I didn’t turn. Dusty soon came into my field of vision by blocking my view outside with his big head, and I braced myself cause I knew if big head sat there than the bug idiots were sitting at this fucking table. I need to fully stop thinking even a little bit about how this day could get any worse. 

Ant pulls out the stool next to Dusty and sits down catching my eye and sending me a nod my way. I give him a small smile back, but try to ignore the 3 of them. 

Spencer makes that a hundred times more difficult when he keeps yelling map bitch at Amerie who isn't responding to him. I turned toward him, the first time since he sat next to me and gave him a are you done yet stare which he raised his eyebrows in response. Spencer goes on to ask Ant and Dusty about a party at the Cemetery, but I am already trying my hardest to tune them all out. 

Just then Woodsey gets the attention of the class and lets Ms. O introduce herself. “Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo. Kind of like, "Yo-yo," but J.” She chuckles and clears her throat in awkwardness. “I’m an English teacher, so I know some of you. But I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. Well, your names were on the map in the stairwell. The one that's out of bounds.” She goes on.  

“Um, what map?” I hear asked. Ms. O chuckles. 

 “Okay, very funny. Look, peeps, we're not dumb. We know a lot of you are sexually active, but we're concerned this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sеxual relationships. So we want to address it head-on. This is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sеx and intimacy... A sеxual literacy tutorial. SLT.” 

The room goes crazy and Ant and Spider start to act like idiots. Again. 

“That's enough. Come on, everyone,” Ms. O directly states. “This class will go back to the basics on sеx and…” she pauses, “Because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department. It'll happen twice a week, in your own” 

This can’t get worse. There goes study break this term. So, much for getting academically ahead. We have to be at the bottom, I have to be at the bottom. I glance a look toward Spencer. He looks as pissed as Ant looks worried as equivalent to me feeling emotionally exhausted. Oh. Crap. I already thought it. 

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