Chapter Eleven

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I arrived at school the next day with Quinni. It was a nice night having another girl to talk to. I let her brain dump all her knowledge on Angeline of the Underworld after we returned to her house after Darren's. I thanked her for letting me come over and for kind of forcing myself upon them tonight. Darren did say they would invite me over again, and that I was welcome anytime. The three of them did however avoid asking me about Ant, Spider, or Dusty. It was only a matter of time before they asked about Year 9, and wherever Spence and I are, if we are anything at all. Did I want us to be anything official? I haven't heard from him much since Yesterday morning, yeah we had SLT's but he didn't talk to me much. He hasn't texted either. I was annoyed by his comment, but I was trying to push the anger away, convincing myself that this wasn't the real Spencer, and all his comments were to get a laugh out of the class. I just was not a fan that it was indirectly at my expense. I don't even know if he realized what he implied by his comment.

Overall, the day went by pretty uneventfully. Spencer waved to me in Bio, but that was it. Ant caught up with me after my last class as I was walking through school. "Oi! Gemma!" He called running up to me. I stopped and turned toward him.

"Hi?" said with an amused smile growing on my face as he had that look of excitement in his eyes again like he did yesterday when he yelled "Renaissance Titties".

"We meant to give you this yesterday. Spider was supposed to after SLT's but didn't. Have you talked to him?" He asked, holding out a slap band. Oh, this is what Amerie meant by slap band yesterday.

"Very 90s. What are these for? And, I haven't. Have you?" I asked. I took the slap band from him and slapped it on my wrist with a smirk. It really didn't matter what it was for, I was still going to wear it.

"Spider hasn't told you?" He asked, looking at me, I saw the hint of concern and confusion in his eye. "We have a gig on Saturday, at Dusty's. We want you to come. It's invite only. Come on, Come see Renaissance Titties!" He poked me playfully as I stood pretending to think about it.

"I want to go, yes. I have to find a way out of my house, though." I half-smiled. That was going to be the hard part.

"Spider hasn't talked to you at all" he recalled I never answered his questions on Spider. The bugger.

"Nah, but I haven't reached out yet either. I figured he'd find me at school, but he hasn't. He kind of sent you instead." I sigh with a shoulder shrug. Did it really matter?

"Hm. He does like you. A lot. I really can tell. That is what his best friend is for, playing wing man." He smirked. "He'll come around. I think he is just worried about basketball. He gets this way when there is extra pressure. Did he tell you he might have a place on the district team?" Ant shared openly. I know he was just trying to calm my worries, and it was sort of working. It was sweet he cared enough.

"Yeah." I chuckled to myself. "I was under his bed hiding when his dad came in to share that coach called him." I shared.

Ant raised an eyebrow at me. "You were hiding under his bed were you?" He smirked.

"Yeah, and then his dad left, and we started kissing and someone ruined the moment with their sweet, stupid face." I poked him playfully back.

"That's me! I'm someone!" He yelled across campus. I playfully pushed his chest, laughing hard. I saw Dusty waving over to him, and he nodded his head in his direction. "I got to go or my ride will leave me." he laughed, starting to walk away backwards. "See you around, Gemma." He waved and turned and ran across the courtyard and the parking lot to Dusty and got in.

Watching Ant run toward Dusty's vehicle made me realize that Basketball was the perfect place to catch Spencer, but being on different course schedules made it difficult. I did notice that Dusty was staring at me from afar. Weird. I needed to figure that one out.

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